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If you have decided to block a website on Google Chrome, you probably have a good reason for it.

Perhaps you are setting up a computer for your kids and don’t want them checking out every site that’s available to them online.

Maybe you’re working at home and find that you get distracted far too often and need to stop yourself from going to certain sites.

No matter what the reason, if you are asking how to block certain websites on Chrome, you want to know the answer. Thankfully, the process is quick and easy, so you can block sites in a matter of minutes.

How to Block Certain Websites on Chrome for a Laptop or Desktop

When asking how to block certain websites on Chrome for a laptop or desktop computer, you’ll want to follow the steps listed below.

Step 1: Go to the Chrome Web Store

The easiest and most convenient way to block certain websites on Chrome is to add an extension. To find one, you’ll need to go to the Chrome Web Store.

To access this site, you’ll need to have internet access.

Step 1_ Go to the Chrome Web Store

Step 2: Search for a Site Blocker

When asking how to block certain websites on Chrome, once you are in the Chrome Web Store, you can then do a search for a site blocker.

In the upper left-hand corner, you will see a dialogue box with a magnifying glass in it. This is the search bar.

Step 2_ Search for a Site Blocker

Type in the terms “site blocker.”

Once you have typed in those terms, you’ll need to specify that you are looking for an extension. Right below the search bar are two options, one that says “Extensions” and one that says “Themes.”

Step 2_ Search for a Site Blocker 2

Click on the circle in front of the “Extensions” option so that it turns blue.

Step 2_ Search for a Site Blocker 3

If you want to make your search even more specific, you can fill out the other filters that are found on the search panel.

Step 3: Pick a Site Blocker

After typing in your search term and applying the filters, when asking how to block certain websites on Chrome, a list will then appear to the right of the search panel.

Step 3_ Pick a Site Blocker

These are all the site blocker extension options that you can add to Chrome.

At this point, finding the right one will depend on your personal preferences. There are many options to choose from.

If you are trying to ensure your kids don’t stumble onto any adult sites, then getting an extension that blocks porn sites could be in your best interest.

Looking for a way to ensure ads don’t pop up while browsing the internet? There’s an extension that can help with that.

There are even extensions that will ensure you stay focused while working from home.

Finding the right one means going through the list, checking out the ratings, and then finding the site blocker that will fit your wants and needs.

Step 4: Install the Blocker

After you have determined which site blocker you want to use, you’ll then click on it from the list.

This will open the extension and give you more information about the product. If you are sure that the one you picked is the one you want to add, you will click the “Add to Chrome” button, which can be found in the right-hand corner of the screen.

Step 4_ Install the Blocker

Step 5: Click “Add Extension”

When asking how to block certain websites on Chrome, after you click the “Add to Chrome” button, it will open a pop-up box that will display the main features of the site blocker you picked and ask you to confirm your decision.

If you are confident that is the site blocker you want to add to Chrome, click the “Add extension” button.

Step 5_ Click “Add Extension”

Step 6: Make Sure the Extension Was Added

To ensure that the site blocker extension has been installed, you’ll want to look for the icon.

This will be found at the top of your Chrome page, near the address bar at the top. What the icon looks like will depend on the option you chose. If you’re uncertain whether it’s there or not, scroll over the top of the icons. This should open up a small box with the title of the extension.

Step 6_ Make Sure the Extension Was Added

Step 7: Block the Unwanted Sites

When you are wondering how to block certain websites on Chrome and you have confirmed that the extension has been added, you can then go to the sites that you want to block.

Once you are on the site, you will click on the icon and a dialogue box will appear. You should see a button that asks if you want to block the site.

Click on that.

After doing that, you won’t be able to access the site.


How to Block Certain Websites on Chrome for Androids

If you’re like a lot of people and use your phone to search the web and you are wondering how to block certain websites on Chrome, these are the steps you’ll use to complete that task.

Step 1: Go to the Google Play Store

When wondering how to block certain websites on Chrome for your Android phone, it’s not much different than blocking them on your laptop or desktop. Instead of using an extension, you’ll use an app.

How to Block Certain Websites on Chrome for Androids - Step 1_ Go to the Google Play Store

Step 2: Search for Site Blockers

After you have opened the Google Play Store, you’ll then need to do a search for site blockers.

At the top of the screen is where you’ll find the search bar.

Once you have typed in the search terms, a list of possible options will be displayed.

Step 3: Choose a Site Blocker

Your personal preferences and needs will determine which site blocker is the best option. You’ll be able to see how others have rated the apps to help you decide which one you should use.

To get more information, you can click on the name of the app.

Step 3_ Choose a Site Blocker

Step 4: Install the App

Once you have decided which site blocker you want to use when asking how to block certain websites on Chrome, you’ll then need to install it on your phone.

Click on the title of the app.

Once the information page has been opened, you’ll need to click the “Install” button. This is usually in the middle of the screen and is green.

Step 4_ Install the App

After clicking that, you’ll see the progress of how the app is installing on your phone. It will let you know when the process is complete.

Step 5: Open the App

Once installation is complete, you have the option of opening the app directly from the store or finding the icon on your phone.

If you are still in the Google Play Store, you will click on the button that says, “Open.”

If you closed out of Google Play, you’ll then need to go to your phone and search for the site blocker app icon. How the icon looks will depend on the option you picked.

Since you are asking how to block certain websites on Chrome using an Android app, once you find the icon, you’ll need to open it and enable it.

Step 6: Add Sites You Want to Block

To ensure that your site blocker is working on your Android, you’ll need to add the sites you want to block. More often than not, this includes typing in the addresses into the app itself.

Once you have done that, you shouldn’t be able to access those specific sites from the Chrome browser on your Android phone.

Step 6_ Add Sites You Want to Block

Unblocking Certain Websites on Chrome

When asking how to block certain websites on Chrome, you are able to accomplish this task on a laptop or desktop computer or your Android phone. If you find that you no longer want those sites blocked, unblocking them is incredibly easy.

How to Unblock Certain Websites on Chrome for a Laptop or Desktop

When you go to a blocked site on your laptop or desktop, you will see a red “minus” icon on the right-hand side of the address bar. To unblock the site, all you have to do is click on that icon.

How to Unblock Certain Websites on Chrome for a Laptop or Desktop

How to Unblock Certain Websites on Chrome for an Android

If you need to unblock a certain website while using Chrome on your Android phone, you’ll need to open the app and go to your list of sites. From there, you’ll be able to edit and remove sites you no longer want to be blocked.

How to Unblock Certain Websites on Chrome for an Android

So Many Reasons to Block Certain Websites on Chrome

The reasons why you have decided to block certain websites on Chrome are valid. You have every right to control what you or your family access while online. It doesn’t matter if you are trying to remain productive while working or to ensure that your kids aren’t looking at material that isn’t suitable for them.

When asking how to block certain websites on Chrome for your laptop or desktop, the easiest way to achieve this goal is to add an extension.

  • Go to the Chrome Web Store
  • Search for a site blocker
  • Pick a site blocker
  • Install the site blocker
  • Click “Add Extension”
  • Block unwanted sites

When wondering how to block certain websites on Chrome when using your Android phone, the process can be quick and easy.

  • Go to the Google Play Store
  • Search for site blockers
  • Choose a site blocker
  • Install the app
  • Open the app
  • Add the sites you want to block

Blocking sites is a great way to ensure that you enjoy your time browsing the internet. You won’t have to stress or worry about you or a family member accessing offensive sites. You have complete control over browsing the internet.

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