When it comes to document creation, there are some formats that are accepted in a wide variety of places. Reports for class resumes when applying for jobs and letters are all different types of documents that have “standardized” formats. To save yourself time and effort, Google has created templates for these common documents (among others).

If you are in a high school or college class, you might be wondering which are the best Google Docs templates free for students. Luckily for you, we have a list of the templates that you might want to use when it comes to your next assignment.

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Why Use Google Docs Templates Free for Students Google Docs templates free for students

Why Use Google Docs Templates Free for Students?

Before getting into the list of the best Google Docs templates free for students, it’s helpful to know why you should be considering these in the first place. To be honest, there are many different reasons you should think about using these, including the following:

1. They Make Life Easier for Students and Teachers

The first reason why you should consider using Google Docs templates free for students is because they’ll make your and your teacher’s life so much easier.

More than likely, part of your grade will rely on being able to format a document correctly. These standards are in place because it makes it easier for your teacher to read. If they have to grade a ton of papers, keeping their frustration level down and their eyes focused is in your best interest.

By using the templates, you won’t have to worry about remembering which font is the right one or what size the margins should be for your assignment. Those will already be formatted for you. All you have to do is type in your information, edit it, then turn it in. Easy peasy.

2. They Improve Your Work Quality

Remember how we mentioned that you want to be kind to your teacher when it comes to turning in your assignments? Templates ensure that there is consistency across the board for all students. They also make your work look really good.

Could you imagine trying to read even five different papers that all have different font types and spacing? Or worse: one paper with five different fonts and spacing within it?

Either of those is going to put a lot of strain on your teacher’s eyes. This could also lead to exhaustion and aggravation. While these shouldn’t impact your grade, your teacher is still human, so using a template is in your best interest.

3. Templates Save Time

If you’re like most students, you have a lot of assignments you have to get done. Plus, you might also have extracurricular activities and potentially a job, as well as want to spend time with family and friends. There are only so many hours in a day, so you might be putting off your assignments for as long as possible.

When it comes to finally working on your assignment, if you want to save yourself time, you need to use a template. All of the important formatting requirements are done for you, so you just have to put your words on the page.

4. Google Templates Make Collaborations Easier and Can be Done in Real-Time

When it comes to Google Docs templates free for students, whether you’re working in a group or workshopping an essay with your teacher, you’ll be able to do it quickly and easily.

One of the reasons so many people use Google Docs is because as long as you and the recipient have an internet connection, the documents can be shared through email, and then when you or someone else makes edits, they show up immediately.

Again, if you’re looking to save time and want to make sure your assignment looks good, using templates works to your advantage.

5. They Are Free

As a student, you more than likely don’t have a lot of money at your disposal. Being able to get something for free is incredibly beneficial to you. While Word and the other Microsoft Office products are also equipped with templates, you have to purchase the software. There are some free student versions, but these may not be readily available at all schools.

Google Docs is free, which means it won’t have a negative impact on your income (if you have any money coming in at all). Who doesn’t like free?

6. You Can Access Your Assignments from Anywhere

As long as you have access to the internet, you can access your Google Docs from a variety of different devices. This can be incredibly helpful if you’re at a sporting event or work and realize you have to get your homework done before the deadline.

7. You Can Also Work Offline

While being able to access your assignments from anywhere is beneficial, Google Docs also allows you to work offline — which is helpful if you don’t have an internet connection.

Of course, this may or may not be a good thing, depending on your point of view. Being able to work online and offline means you won’t have an excuse if you turn your assignment in late.

8. They Are Secure

When it comes to Google Docs templates free for students, you can rest assured knowing that they are secure. That means you assign access to the people who need it. This reduces the chances of people inadvertently changing your work or accidentally deleting it.

Again, this is a good thing, but it could be bad if you were looking for an excuse to extend the deadline for your assignment.

Google Docs Templates Free for Students

Now that you know why you should be using these templates, let’s take a look at the different template options you can choose from:

Class Notes Google Docs Template

Class Notes Google Docs Template Google Docs templates free for students

Keeping track of the different topics that the teacher is teaching in class requires that you take notes. If you want to keep your thoughts organized and easy to understand later, then you might consider using the class notes Google Docs template.

These options are versatile enough to be used in any and all of your classes, and they will ensure you are getting the most important information so that you can remember the lessons that were taught and get a good grade in the class.

Reports Template Google Docs

Reports Template Google Docs study guide template google docs

Throughout high school and college, you will be expected to write a variety of different reports for your classes. You may have to write essays for English or put together a research paper for biology or psychology.

To ensure your report is formatted correctly, there are different Google Docs templates for you to choose from, especially if you have a student account that is linked to your school.

Study Guide Template Google Docs

Study Guide Template Google Docs study guide template google docs

Another useful template you might consider using is the study guide template Google Docs. There are several different options to choose from, allowing you to choose the Google Docs study guide template that will work best for you.

Using a Google Docs study guide template for one or all of your classes could be a good way to ensure that you understand the material and know what you need to focus on to do well on the next test.

Worksheet Template Google Docs

Worksheet Template Google Docs Google Docs templates free for students

When it comes to the worksheet template Google Docs, this is something you can use to help you master the lesson taught in class, or your teacher might use it to create assignments and/or homework.

Like the other templates, this one will help you focus on what you need to learn so that you can pass the class and really understand what was going on.

Resume Template Google Docs

Resume Template Google Docs worksheet template google docs

The resume template Google Docs is another useful tool that can be used for assignments or outside of school. Again, there are different options to choose from, so you should be able to find the resume that reflects your style and highlights your skills, while also making sure you have the necessary information included to get you noticed for the job you’re applying for.

Letter Templates Google Docs

Letter Templates Google Docs Google Docs templates free for students

If you need letters of recommendation, cover letters, or a business letter, you can find all of these and more in the Google Docs letter templates. Our world may have gone digital, but some people still prefer to get hard copies of letters. Don’t waste time trying to figure out the formatting, download a template and save yourself time and stress.

Opening Google Docs Templates Free for Students

Accessing the different Google Docs templates may require having a student account. If you don’t have one, don’t fret, there are some templates you have access to on your personal Google account.

To open the templates, you’ll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to Google Drive

The first thing you’ll need to do when attempting to access Google Templates is to log in to your Google Drive.

If necessary, type in your username and password.

Log in to Google Drive study guide template google docs

Step 2: Access Google Docs

Once you’ve gained access to your account, you’ll then need to open Google Docs.

click on new then Access Google Docs Google Docs templates free for students

In the upper left-hand corner of the screen, click on the New button. From the drop-down menu, choose Google Docs.

Pick a Template click on file new document Google Docs templates free for students

Step 3: Pick a Template

Once the new document has opened on your computer, go to the File tab at the top of the page and click on it.

When the drop-down menu appears, click on “New,” and when the list of options appears, choose “From template gallery.”

click on template gallery Google Docs templates free for students

A new tab will open, and you’ll be able to choose which template you want to use for your project. After clicking on your selection, a copy of the template will automatically open, and you’ll be able to add your information to the file.

Editing Google Docs Templates

Answering this question isn’t as simple as it seems; there are a couple of different ways to look at this.

The first is that you want to edit the template to add your information to it to turn in an assignment. The only thing you’re changing is the placeholders that have been added to the document.

If that’s the case, then all you need to do is highlight the text you want to change, then type your information into the space.

If you’re wondering how to edit the template — to change it so that it better suits your needs — you’ll need to create a new template. To be able to do this, the organization you work for (or at least access Google Docs through) will need to support this.


How do I create a student template in Google Docs?

If you are an instructor and you want to create Google templates for teachers, you’ll first need to make sure that your institution has the necessary permissions to allow this to happen.

After that, you can follow the steps provided by the Google Workspace Learning Center to achieve your goals.

What templates are available in Google Docs?

There are a variety of different templates available in Google Docs, including those to help you write reports, take notes, create study guides, write letters, and more.

Ensuring Your Assignments Look Good

When it comes to your education, you may be required to turn in a variety of different assignments. Many of these are in the same format they have been for a long, long time. That’s a good thing because it probably means there is a template you can use.

If you’re wondering how to access Google Docs templates free for students, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Log in to Google Drive
  2. Access Google Docs
  3. Pick a Template

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