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Everyone knows how much difference a properly functioning smartphone can make. You can write important documents, emails, and text messages when your keyboard has proper settings, for instance.

Sometimes, your keyboard shrinks on these devices. Most of the time, this situation occurs because of an accident.

Thankfully, you can learn how do I get my keyboard back to normal size. The methods below will outline several steps for both Androids and iPhones.

How Do You Get Your Keyboard Back to Normal Size

This step-by-step guide will help you answer, “how do I get my keyboard back to normal size?” There are methods available for both Android and iPhone devices.

Get the Keyboard Back to Normal Size on an Android

You may say to yourself, “Wait! My keyboard is small!” It is difficult to know what exactly caused this situation, but thankfully, you can fix it.

Why is my Android Keyboard Small?

You should learn why your Android keyboard shrunk before understanding how to fix it. Several possible reasons are in detail below.

Floating Mode

Your Android keyboard could be small because of the floating mode. The Gboard app sits at the top of the app when using this feature.

You can resize the Gboard at any time. Sometimes, this process is too tedious. Thankfully, you can turn this feature off.

One-Handed Use is On

Another reason why your Android keyboard shrunk could be because you have one-handed operations turned on. It makes the letters more accessible with just one thumb. Again, you can disable this mode via the Settings app on your device.

Tip | 1
Uninstall Any Apps You Do Not Use

You likely use your smartphone for work or school-related tasks if your keyboard is important to you. Most smart devices are distracting, but you can make them productive.

Start by uninstalling any apps you do not use. Many users waste precious time on their phones by endlessly scrolling through their app options.

Make the Keyboard Bigger on Your Android

You can learn to make the keyboard bigger after figuring out the reason, as mentioned above. There are additional hacks, as seen below, to answer, “how do I get my keyboard back to normal size?”

Turn Off the Floating Keyboard

The first method to get your keyboard back to normal size is to turn off floating mode. The required steps are in the below information.

  1. Open Gboard on your Android.
  2. Press the “G.”
  3. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the options.
  4. Press the three dots at the bottom of the page.
  5.  Press the toggle switch next to “Floating.”
Open Gboard on your Android increase keyboard size android
Press the toggle switch next to Floating how to get my keyboard back to normal

Disable One-Handed Operations

The next method you can use to enlarge your keyboard is to turn off one-handed operations, as seen below.

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android.
  2. Click on “Advanced Features.”
  3. Look for the section labeled “One-Handed Mode.”
  4. Select one of the One-Handed mode options
on your android open settings select preferences then right-handed mode increase keyboard size android

Adjust Keyboard Size

You can change the size of your Android keyboard at any time. You have to open an app that lets you type to use the steps below.

    1. Open the keyboard after loading the previously mentioned app.
    2. Click on the three dots on the top right corner of the keyboard.
    3. Press “Keyboard Size.”
    4. Tap “Reset” to get your keyboard back to normal size.
    5. You can also press “Expand” to make your keyboard larger.

Change the Keyboard's Size in Your Android Settings

The next method you can use to learn “how do I get my keyboard back to normal size” is to open your Android’s Settings app. You can adjust the proportions using the steps below, even if you use a third-party tool.

1. Open the Settings app on your Android.
2. Click on the “Systems” page.
3. Press “Keyboard & Input Method”

open settings then click on additional settings then select keyboard and input method

4. Choose the keyboard you need to adjust.
5. Press “Preferences.”

Gboard multillingual typing Press Preferences increase keyboard size android

6. Click “Keyboard Height.”
7. Choose “Normal” if you want your keyboard to be at a standard size.

select keyboard hight we are choosing normal how do i get my keyboard back to normal size

8. Pick “Mid-Tall,” “Tall,” or “Extra-Tall” to expand your keyboard.

Pick Mid-Tall or tall or Extra-Tall to expand your keyboard how to get my keyboard back to normal

Use Display Settings

Some Android devices require that you adjust the keyboard size using your phone’s display settings, as seen below.

  1. Open the “Settings” app on your Android.
  2. Press “Display.”
  3. Scroll down and press “Advanced.”
  4. Click on “Display Size.”
  5. Move the slider to the right until your keyboard is the appropriate size.

Get the Keyboard Back to Normal Size on an iPhone

You can also answer, “how do I get my keyboard back to normal size on my iPhone?” There are several methods you can use on these devices. Again, you must tell yourself why my keyboard shrunk first.

Why Your iPhone's Keyboard is Small

There are several ways to answer “Why is my keyboard shrunk on my iPhone?” Consider the reasons in the list below.

You Pinched Your Screen

You can make the keyboard smaller on your iPhone by pinching the screen. It is easy to accidentally bring two fingers together on the keyboard. You only have to pull your fingers apart to get your keyboard back to normal size when considering this reason.

You Undocked Your Keyboard

If you hold the bottom right button down on your iPhone’s keyboard, you will unlock it. It will put the letters at the bottom of your screen. This reason may also split or merge your keyboard.

You Turned on One-Handed Mode

You can accidentally turn on one-handed mode on your iPhone. This feature places all of your letters on one side of the screen. The following steps give you access to this mode.

  1. Click on the world icon on your keyboard.
  2. Look for the three keyboard icons at the bottom of the pop-up screen.
  3. Choose the left or right option to turn on one-handed mode.

How to Bring Your iPhone's Keyboard Back to Normal

There are several methods you can use to answer “how do I get my keyboard back to normal size on my iPhone?” Some of the listed ideas fix the reasons listed above.

Widen Your Fingers Over Your Keyboard

If you pinched your keyboard smaller, you can widen your fingers to bring it back to normal. Use the below steps to begin.

  1. Place two fingers close together over your iPhone’s keyboard.
  2. Spread your fingers as wide apart as possible without lifting them off of the screen.
  3. Keep your fingers on the screen until your keyboard is back to normal.

Dock Your Keyboard

You can dock your iPhone’s keyboard with the below tips.

  1. Look for the keyboard icon on the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Slide your finger to the option labeled “Dock and Merge.”
  3. Wait for it to return to its normal place.

Adjust Your iPhone's Keyboard Settings

You can adjust the size of your iPhone’s keyboard by adjusting its specific settings, as seen in the list below.

1. Open “Settings” on your iPhone.

on settings select display and brightness

2. Go to “Display & Brightness”

scroll down to view then choose between standard or zoomed how to get my keyboard back to normal

3. Scroll down to “Display Zoom” and select “Standard” or “Zoomed.”

here are the two different keyboard sizes

Turn Off the One-Handed Keyboard

You can press the world icon to turn your iPhone’s keyboard to one-handed mode at any time. Switch it back to normal size by pressing the arrow on either side of the screen.

one-handed keyboard off left or right option

Third-Party Tools to Get Your Keyboard Back to a Normal Size

There are some third-party tools for keyboards where you can adjust the size. To learn, “how do I get my keyboard back to normal size” on one of these apps, continue reading.

1. Swiftkey

Swiftkey is a third-party keyboard you can download on your Android or iPhone. Microsoft developed and owns this software.

Answer “how do I get my keyboard back to normal size on Swiftkey” with the steps below.

1. Download Swiftkey from the Google Play Store on your Android or the Apple App Store on your iPhone.

get the Swiftkey app how do i get my keyboard back to normal size

2. Open the app and choose the “Settings” option.
3. Tap “Voice Typing,” to type with your voice (English Only)

Open the app and choose settings then voice typing how to get my keyboard back to normal

2. Fleksy

Fleksy is another third-party tool you can use to answer, “how do I get my keyboard back to normal size?” It is also available on both Android and Apple devices.

To enlarge or normalize your Fleksy keyboard, use the below steps.

  1. Download Fleksy in the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store, depending on your device.
  2. Open the Fleksy app.
  3. Click on the tab labeled “Size.”
  4. Choose “Medium” to get a standard-sized keyboard.
  5. Select “Big” if you want an enlarged keyboard.

3. Grammarly Keyboard

Grammarly Keyboard is another third-party tool you can download on your iPhone or Android. This software lets you fix spelling and grammatical errors with ease.

Use the steps below to readjust your keyboard if it shrinks with this app.

  1. Download Grammarly Keyboard from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Tap “Keyboard Customization” after opening the app.
  3. Choose the option labeled “Keyboard Layout.”
  4. Scroll down to find the setting that lets you change the size of the keyboard.
Tip | 2
Monitor the Battery Health on Your Smartphone

You can also increase the productivity you have on your iPhone or Android by monitoring its battery health. If it constantly runs out of power, you will not get a full workday out of it.

To maximize your phone’s battery health, consider the below tips.

  • Turn on power-save mode.
  • Do not keep the brightness at full power.
  • Use wifi.
  • Close out of your apps completely.
  • Only use compatible chargers.

Get Your Keyboard Back to a Normal Size on Your Device

Now, you know how I get my keyboard back to normal size on Android and iPhone devices. Start by turning off one-handed mode or any of the other settings you accidentally turned on.

You can also go into your phone’s settings to adjust the keyboard size. Many third-party apps also come with layout settings. These features let you enlarge your phone’s keyboard, or at the very least, bring it back to normal size.

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