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Spreadsheets are an invaluable tool when it comes to keeping track of data. 

There is no limit to what you can use Google Sheets for, and if you find that you need to keep track of answers that revolve around “Yes” and “No,” then you are probably wondering how to add Yes or No in Google Sheets.

Thankfully, the steps to achieve this goal are incredibly easy to follow, and the process won’t take long.

How to Add Yes or No in Google Sheets

When asking how to add Yes or No in Google Sheets, the easiest way to accomplish this task is to create a drop-down list.

Step 1: Open Google Drive

The first thing you’ll need to do when learning how to add Yes or No in Google Sheets is to open your Google Drive.

It doesn’t matter which browser you use for this step, but when prompted, you’ll need to type your username and password into the appropriate fields.

Step 2: Open Google Sheets

Open Google Drive google sheets

When creating a drop-down list with Yes and No in Google Sheets, you can either work in a file that has already been created or start a new one.

If the file already exists, you’ll need to find it in your list of documents and double-click on it.

For a new sheet, you’ll want to click on the “New” button in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

Step 3: Highlight the Cells

Highlight the Cells on google sheets

Once you have the sheet open, you’ll then need to highlight the cells by dragging the cursor over the sheet.

You’ll be able to tell when the cells are highlighted because they will become a blue color and have a border around them.

Step 4: Click on Data

Click on Data How to add Yes or No in Google Sheets

At the top of the screen, you will see a toolbar with different tabs. Look for and click on the one that says Data.

Step 5: Validate Your Data

click on data validation How to add Yes or No in Google Sheets

After clicking on Data, a drop-down menu will appear. Near the bottom, you will see the option “Data validation.”

Click on that.

Step 6: Input Your Criteria

click on list of items and then save how to edit drop-down list in Google Sheets

After clicking on “Data validation,” a new menu will appear.

When wondering how to add Yes or No in Google Sheets, go to the “Criteria” section.

Select “List of items” after clicking on the down arrow.

Then, in the dialogue box next to this, type “Yes,No” into the box. Make sure you don’t put a space between the comma and the words.

Under these boxes, there is a checkbox with “Show dropdown list in cell.” You need to make sure the box is checked.

Step 7: Save Your Data

Once you have entered the appropriate information, you’ll then click the Save button at the bottom of the menu.

Step 8: Input the Yes/No Data

Input the Yes and No Data How to add Yes or No in Google Sheets

Clicking on Save will bring you back to your sheet, and you should now see a down arrow in the cells you highlighted.

When you click on that arrow, it will bring up your Yes/No options. Choose the one that is appropriate for that particular cell.

In addition, instead of using your mouse to input the Yes/No data, when you are on a particular cell, you can also type “y” or “n” and it will bring up your list of options. When the full word appears, use the down arrow to highlight it and then click Enter.

Tip | 1
Delete Data with the Shortcut

Adding data and formulas to blank cells in Google Sheets is quick and easy with the shortcut — but you can delete data as well. All you have to do is highlight an empty cell, click on the box in the corner, and then drag that information to new cells.

How to Edit Drop-Down List in Google Sheets

In addition to knowing how to input a drop-down list, you might also be wondering how to edit drop-down list in Google Sheets. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

Step 1: Highlight the Cell(s)

Within your Google Sheet, highlight the cell or cells that you want to edit.

Highlight the Cell How to add Yes or No in Google Sheets

Step 2: Open Data Validation

Once you have highlighted the single cell or multiple cells, you’ll then need to navigate back to the “Data validation” option. There are two ways to do this.

The first is to click on Data in the toolbar at the top and choose “Data validation” from the drop-down menu.

The second is to right-click on the highlighted cell, then look for “View more cell actions.” It should be the last option on the list with an arrow next to it.

click on data and then Open Data Validation How to add Yes or No in Google Sheets

After you click on that, another drop-down list will appear, and you’ll click on “Data validation.”

click on view more cells actions and data validation How to add Yes or No in Google Sheets

Step 3: Make Your Edits

After clicking the data validation Google Sheets option, the menu will appear, and you’ll be able to make any edits necessary.

In addition to editing your drop-down list, you may find that you need to add the Yes/No option to more cells. You always have the option of going through the steps listed above, but you might also consider using the shortcut.

To do this, you’ll want to highlight the last cell that contains the Yes/No data. Look for the blue border to ensure you’re in the right cell.

You should see a blue box in the lower right-hand corner. Move your cursor over the top of this until it looks like a plus sign.

Then, click and hold down the left mouse button and drag the box to the cells you want the Yes/No data to appear in. Release the mouse button.

The new cells should be highlighted, and you should see the arrow for the drop-down menu to add Yes or No to these new cells.

Make Your Edits How to add Yes or No in Google Sheets

How to Delete Drop-Down List in Google Sheets

The final bit of information you might need is to delete the Yes/No data from your Google Sheet. Here’s how you’ll accomplish that task:

Step 1: Highlight the Cell(s)

Using your cursor, highlight the cell or cells you want to remove the data from.

Step 2: Open Data Validation

Once you’re in the cell, once again, you’ll want to get to the “Data validation” option. You can access it from the toolbar or by right-clicking.

Step 3: Remove the Validation

After opening the data validation menu, at the bottom of the box, there is an option that says, “Remove validation.”

When you click on that, the data will be removed from the cell or cells you highlighted.

Tip | 2
More than Yes or No

While adding “Yes” or “No” to your Google Sheet drop-down menu is quick and easy, they aren’t your only option. You can add any terms to your list that you want. You can also add more than two. Just make sure to separate your options with a comma, but don’t put any spaces in between the comma and the words.

Data Insertion Made Easy

Adding a drop-down list to your Google Sheets can make inputting data quick and easy. If you’re wondering how to add Yes or No in Google Sheets, you’ll undertake these steps:

  1. Open Google Drive
  2. Open Google Sheets
  3. Highlight the Cells
  4. Click on Data
  5. Validate Your Data
  6. Input Your Criteria
  7. Save Your Data
  8. Input the Yes/No Data

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