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When you have a Facebook account for your personal use or a business, you likely have a lot to monitor as you interact with your friends or customers. Therefore, it’s important to have your settings set to filter posts on your page to ensure you can have more control of your public image. This will require approving posts and getting the chance to read them before they’re visible on your profile.

Although it can be easy to be confused about how to approve posts on Facebook page, you can learn how to follow the proper steps. Once you learn how to approve posts, it can be easier to perform the task quickly and efficiently every time you log into your account. With this step-by-step guide, you can follow the provided instructions and have a smooth and seamless process.

How to Approve Posts on Facebook

It can be difficult to moderate your Facebook page if you’re unfamiliar with the different menu options available on the social media platform. Fortunately, it’s a fairly straightforward process once you become more familiar with the different features and options available. Once you learn how to approve posts on Facebook page, it’s easier to perform the steps in only a few seconds each day.

Step-by-step Guide | How to Approve Posts on Facebook Page

You’ll need to adjust the settings on your Facebook account to have control over posts that are visible on your page. After entering your password and logging into your account, you can click on the arrow to adjust the settings. On the top left section of the page, select “Activity Log.” Select “Posts by Others” and select the “Posts by Others” button. You can now click on the “Allowed on Page” button.”

After entering your password and logging into your account you can click on the arrow to adjust the settings
On the top left section of the page select Activity Log how to approve posts on facebook page
Select Posts by Others how to approve posts on facebook page how to approve posts on facebook page
You can now click on the Allowed on Page button how to approve posts on facebook page

How to Reject a Facebook Post

If you want to reject a post that someone wants to put on your page, you can go through the same process. This is important to learn to ensure you don’t automatically approve posts that you don’t like or don’t reflect your brand. Ignoring the post will also prevent them from appearing on your Facebook account for your friends or followers to see.

After entering your password and logging into your account you can click on the arrow to adjust the settings
On the top left section of the page select Activity Log how to approve posts on facebook page
Select Posts by Others how to approve posts on facebook page how to approve posts on facebook page
You can now click on the Allowed on Page button how to approve posts on facebook page

How to Approve Visitor Posts on Facebook

How to Approve Visitor Posts on Facebook facebook page admin approve posts

If you’re the admin of a Facebook account that you manage, you’ll need to learn how to approve or decline posts from visitors on the account. This makes it possible to interact with your followers while still having control of what’s visible on your page.

If you want to know how to approve posts on Facebook page, head to the notifications page, which you can access by clicking on the bell icon on the right corner of the page. Any posts that are new to be reviewed are highlighted in gray and are presented in a list to make them easy to browse through and review. Click the post you want to approve, which will allow you to get a better view of it.

Deleting and Marking Posts as Spam

Three icons will appear above the post. If you want to delete the post, click the stop sign icon to report it as spam. This will prevent the user from attempting to post additional content to your Facebook page in the future. You can also click on the envelope icon above the post to mark it as unread, allowing you to review it at a later time. Clicking the star icon will give you the option of following up on the post to ensure it’s highlighted. This is an easy way of reminding yourself to go back to it in the future. You also have the option of clicking “Move to Done.”

You can now go to your main page by clicking “Page” at the top of the page, which is located directly under the search bar on the left of the screen. Click “Settings,” and go to the left bottom of the page and click “Activity Log.” This will allow you to review the pending posts on your timeline. Click the circle button on the right of each post to switch it to “Allowed on Page.” This will immediately make the post visible on your timeline.

Three icons will appear above the post If you want to delete the post how to approve posts on facebook page
click the stop sign icon to report it as spam how to approve posts on facebook page
You can now go to your main page by clicking Page Click Settings and go to the left bottom of the page and click Activity Log
Click the circle button on the right of each post to switch it to Allowed on Page how to approve posts on facebook page

Managing Your Posts

You have additional options for managing the posts if you prefer not to approve it. Below “Allowed on Page” is “Delete.” If the user is attempting to post spam or inappropriate content on your Facebook page, you can click “Report/mark as spam.” “Ban from page” is an additional option.

Refresh Your Timeline After Approving Posts

Refresh Your Timeline After Approving Posts facebook approve comments

Once you choose the posts you want to approve and delete, you can refresh your timeline by clicking the “F” Facebook item on the left of the page next to the search bar. Scroll down to your timeline to see the new posts, which will allow you to get the perspective of what the public or your friends see on your timeline.

Click “Posts” on the left of the page. On the right of the page, you’ll see the most recent Visitor Posts that you’ve approved with the date and time listed under the content. If there’s a specific post you can’t find, enter the content in the search bar above “Visitor Posts.”

Review All of the Posts in One Place

You can also click on “Community” to see all of the posts from your followers, customers, family members, or friends in one spot. This is where you can see how many likes the different posts have on your timeline.

You can also click on Community to see all of the posts from your followers customers family members or friends in one spot

Facebook Page Admin Approved Posts

When you want to learn how to approve posts on Facebook page from visitors, start by choosing the post options in the “Settings and privacy” feature. A menu will drop down, allowing you to select “Activity Log.”

Here, you can view all of the Facebook page admin approve posts. You can locate the different Facebook page admin approve posts that you want to approve to ensure they’re immediately posted to your page and are visible to the public or specifically your followers. You can then click on the forbidden icon and select “Allow on page” to automatically approve visitor posts.

When you want to learn how to approve posts on Facebook page from visitors start by choosing the post options in the Settings and privacy
You can then click on the forbidden icon and select Allow on page to automatically approve visitor posts

How to Approve Tags on Facebook

If you want to approve photos or posts that you’re tagged in by other Facebook members, you’ll need to follow a few steps. The process is similar to approving posts that appear on your page.

Start by entering your email and password to log into Facebook. Click the arrow that is facing down, which is located at the top right side of the page next to the bell icon. Select the “Settings and privacy” button to access more options. Click on “Activity Log.”

Start by entering your email and password to log into Facebook Click the arrow that is facing down
Look on the left column and click timeline where youll see Activity youre tagged
You can click each box next to each post and click the Remove Tags button in the right corner of the page

Review All of the Activity

Look on the left column and click timeline, where you’ll see “Activity you’re tagged in.” A list will drop down, which includes “Posts and comments you’re tagged in.” Here, you’ll have the option of seeing a list of everything you’re tagged in, starting with the most recent posts or Facebook approve comments. You can click each box next to each post and click the “Remove Tags” button in the right corner of the page for anything you don’t want to appear on your Facebook page.

Approve and Decline Tags on Your Timeline

Approve and Decline Tags on Your Timeline how to approve posts on facebook page

Any posts you want to appear on your page can be approved once you check them. Hovering your mouse over each post or tag will allow you to see the date of the activity. The user’s photo is visible next to the post, as well as their name in bold. Clicking “Ignore” will also allow you to decline any posts that you don’t want to be associated with on the account. Additionally, you can also approve or decline tags that someone makes on your posts.

How to Approve Facebook Posts on a Smartphone

How to Approve Facebook Posts on a Smartphone facebook page admin approve posts

If you’re accessing your Facebook page via a smartphone, you can head to your profile and click on the button with the three dots, which is located next to the “Add to Story” button underneath your profile picture and name. Click the “Review Posts and Tags” feature, which will allow you to scroll through posts that are not yet visible to your audience.

Under each post are two options, which includes a “Hide” button or an “Add to Profile” button. This is a simple and easy way to quickly review everything that your friends or followers want to add to your timeline. Once you hide a post, you’ll no longer see it in your account after it disappears.

Filter and Moderate Your Account

Filter and Moderate Your Account how to approve posts on facebook page

After you learn how to approve posts on Facebook page, you can also moderate your account better and learn how to approve comments on Facebook. This will allow you to filter what you want to be posted and avoid conflicts, controversies, or exposure you don’t want to approve.

How to Approve Comments on Facebook

Fortunately, it only takes a few minutes to approve Facebook comments that you want on your timeline. Start by heading to the page, photo, or post where the comment was left by another user. A dropdown menu will appear before the comment, which will show “Approve,” “Delete,” or “Edit.” Click the “Approve” button to immediately make it appear on your Facebook account, where it’s visible to your friends and followers.

A dropdown menu will appear before the comment which will show Approve Delete or Edit

How to See Your Recent Posts on Facebook

How to See Your Recent Posts on Facebook facebook page admin approve posts

It’s important to know you can see your posts on Facebook to ensure you can monitor them closely and avoid allowing unapproved posts to be visible. Once you enter your password and are logged into your account, start by clicking the arrow in the right corner of the page. Select “Settings” and click “Privacy.”

Access the “Activity log” feature, which will provide you with details of previous posts. You can filter the posts by activity types and click “posts” to ensure you get a list of all posts that are live. Start with the current year to view the most recent posts and start browsing through them.

Review All Likes, Comments, and Reactions

Review All Likes Comments and Reactions

According to, this is also where you can view the activity that you’re tagged in, as well as interactions other people have on your page. You can get a clear overview of all likes, comments, and reactions in one place.

Additional Benefits of the Activity Log

Additional Benefits of the Activity Log how to approve posts on facebook page

The activity log is also where your logged actions are visible, which includes your logins, devices, and any videos you’ve watched on the platform. Connections is another feature that shows you your page likes, relationships, and friends.

Once you learn how to approve posts on Facebook page, it’s easier to have more control of your account and determine what you want to be visible to your friends and followers. This will allow you to moderate your Facebook page and prevent posts and tags without worrying about what is immediately visible to the public. Learning the steps to follow to learn how to approve posts on Facebook page can make it easier to control your brand and image while utilizing the social media platform to maintain your exposure.

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