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Your Mac is likely one of your most prized and private possessions. You may save some of your most essential information and keep important files on these computers.

Sometimes, unfortunately, things go wrong. At a moment’s notice, you can lose all of your information due to a data crash or a broken computer. Thankfully, there are ways that you can learn to back up your information to a cloud server such as Google Drive.

There are two ways to learn how to backup Mac to Google Drive. You can manually choose to add files at any time, or you can let Google Drive automatically sync the information. Continue reading below to see a step-by-step guide about backing up your entire Mac to your Google Drive account.

How to Backup Google Drive Automatically - A Step-by-Step Guide

It is easy to learn how to backup Mac to Google Drive if you have a Google account. You can use the desktop app, add pictures to Google Photos, or upload files via the Google Drive mobile software. Learn more about several of these methods in the information below.

How Do I Access My Google Drive Backup?

You can easily access your Google Drive backups by logging in to Click the number next to the word “Storage” on the bottom left corner of the screen.

After the new page loads, press “Backups” on the top right corner. You can view the information by right-clicking on the appropriate option and pressing “Preview.”

Setup Google Drive for Desktop

The best way to learn how to backup Mac to Google Drive automatically is to use the desktop app. you will need to create a Google account to begin. After, use the below steps.

1. In a browser, type in
2. Press “Download Drive for Desktop.”
3. Click “Agree” after reading the Terms of Service. After, press “Download.”
4. Double-click on the installation file. It will be in your Downloads folder and will end in “dmg”.

go to google drive and download the desktop app backup computer to Google Drive

5. Move the app to the Applications folder on your Mac.
6. Double-click on the app to open it.

move google drive to the applications folder backup computer to Google Drive

7. If the warning pop-up appears, press “Open.”

click on application then double click on google drive how to backup Mac to Google Drive

8. Sign in with your Google account information.

enter the email or phone credentials how to backup Mac to Google Drive

Sync Data to Google Drive

The next step in learning how to backup Mac to Google Drive is to sync the files to your account. Consider the steps below to begin.

1. Click on the “Add Folder” button.
2. Ensure that you check the box next to the “Sync My Drive to This Computer” option.

on google drive click on add folder Time Machine backup to Google Drive

3. When you want to start backups, press “Start” in the bottom right corner of the screen.
4. Google Drive will automatically backup your computer to Google Drive when it notices any changes.

click on open then sync with google drive how to backup Mac to Google Drive

Select a Different Upload Size

If you want to reduce the size of the files you want to backup to Google Drive, you will need to be on the “Choose Folder” page. All you have to do is click the button labeled “High Quality.”

When you click the “High Quality” option, you will receive unlimited storage. You can automatically add images to your Google Photos account on this page too.

upload original quality how to backup Mac to Google Drive
Can Google Drive Automatically Backup?

If you have the Google Drive desktop app, you need to sync it with your computer. After performing this step, Google Drive will automatically backup your information.

Google Drive will instantly detect changes made on your computer. It does need internet access for the backup to begin and complete.

Backup Your Apple Photo Library Mac Only

When learning how to backup Mac to Google Drive, you can choose to include only your Photo Library. First, you will need to compress the images by using the steps below.

  1. Open the Photos app that comes pre-installed on your Mac.
  2. Click on “Photos” in the menu on the left side of the screen.
  3. Hold down “Cmd+A” on your keyboard to select all images.
  4. Click on the “File” menu, and press “Export.”
  5. Press “Export X Photos.”
  6. When the pop-up box appears, press “Export” again.
  7. Click “Create New Folder” in the next pop-up.
  8. Give the folder a name and press “Create.”
  9. Wait for a notification to appear so that you know the process was successful.

After performing the steps above, you can select the file in the Google Drive desktop app. Click on the “Choose Folder” page after entering the backup section to manually choose the compressed photo library.

Upload Items to Google Photos from Your Browser

After you complete the steps to compress your photo library, you can upload the files to Google Photos on the browser. Use the steps below to begin.

  1. In the browser of your choice, type in
  2. Sign in to your Google account if necessary. Press “Continue.”
  3. Click “Import” or “Upload” on the top right side of the screen.
  4. Find the images that you want to upload. Press “Cmd+A” to select all of the images.
  5. Press “Open.”
  6. Wait for the pictures to finish uploading.

Use the Google Photos App

If you use the same iCloud account on your Mac and iPhone, your photos will appear on both devices. You can automatically add them to Google Photos via the Google photos app on your mobile device using the steps below.

  1. Download the Google Photos app from the Apple App Store.
  2. Open the app and press on your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Press “Google Photos Settings.”
  4. Click “Back Up & Sync.” Turn the setting on.
  5. Your images will start to save to Google Photos automatically.

View Where Your Photos and Videos Were Uploaded From

If you use Google Photos, you can find out how the pictures got to the cloud library. Click on a specific picture and press “Info.” You will see the type of device used to upload the image, the date, and the title.

Upload Files to Your Google Drive Account via the Mobile App or Browser

Mobile App

You can learn how to backup Mac to Google Drive using Airdrop and your iPhone. This method is best if you only have one or two folders to add. Use the steps below to begin.

  1. Download the Google Drive app from the Apple App Store.
  2. Press the plus sign icon to add files.
  3. Tap “Upload” and find the appropriate files.


To learn how to backup Mac to Google Drive using the browser, consider the steps below.

  1. Log in to
  2. Click “New” on the top left corner.
  3. Press “File Upload” to add specific documents. Select “Folder Upload” to insert entire computer folders.

You can also drag and drop files and folders into the Google Drive app and the browser to backup computer to Google Drive.

How to Backup Google Drive Manually

You can learn how to backup computer to Google Drive accounts manually. You will need the desktop app to start the process outlined below on your Mac. Use the provided steps below for more detailed information.

1. Check the Storage on Your Google Drive

Before you create a backup to your Google Drive, you will need to check your storage. Type in to see how much space you have left. Mac files will at least need a few gigabytes.

2. Download the Backup and Sync App

The Backup and Sync app is available at a low fee. Once it downloads, you will sign in to your Google account to access the options for backing up your Mac.

3. Choosing Folders and Files

Google will automatically select a few files when learning how to backup Mac to Google Drive accounts. Add additional folders by clicking “Choose Folder.” After choosing everything you need to add, press “Next.”

download back and sync app how to backup Mac to Google Drive

4. Start the Backup

After manually selecting the folders you wanted to backup, you can start the process. Press the blue button on the lower right corner to begin. Be patient, as the process can take a while.

select the folder you want to sync click on next Time Machine backup to Google Drive

Backup Google Drive Folders

After you learn how to backup Mac to Google drive, you may want an additional copy of the information, especially on an external hard drive. Use the below steps to create this folder.

1. Go to and log in to your account.
2. Press the number next to the word “Storage.”

go to the drive folder backup computer to Google Drive

3. On your keyboard, hold down “Cmd+A” to select every file.
4. Right-click on the highlighted files.
5. Press “Download” to save a zip file to your computer.

download all files how to backup Mac to Google Drive

Other Backup Options

There are a few other ways that you can learn to back up your Mac data. You can even create a Time Machine backup to Google Drive.

How Do I Backup My Mac with Time Machine?

To complete a manual backup on Time Machine, you will need to connect an external hard drive to your Mac. Open the app from System Preferences.

After Time Machine opens, click “Select Backup Disk.” Choose the name of the external hard drive and press “Use Disk” to start the backup.

Time Machine

To backup your Mac using Time Machine, you will need to plug in an external hard drive. After, access Time Machine through System Preferences.

You can learn to save Time Machine backup to Google Drive services. You will need to create a virtual drive and configure Time Machine to recognize it. When you open the application through System Preferences, start sending a Time Machine backup to Google Drive.

How Do I Create a Time Machine Backup?

You will need to go to Time Machine under System Preferences on your Mac. Press “Select Backup Disk” to begin the necessary process.

Choose the appropriate disk that Time Machine needs to pull the files from your computer. If you want automatic backups to continue, check the box labeled “Back Up Automatically.”

iCloud to Backup Your Mac

To backup your Mac information to your iCloud account, you will have to go to System Preferences again. Select “iCloud” on the left side of the screen, and choose “Options.”

Select all of the Mac data you want to save to your iCloud. After you make your choices, your Mac will automatically send a copy of any document or file to your iCloud.


If you want to backup your Mac files to Dropbox, you will download the Dropbox desktop app. After, go to the tab labeled “backups” to begin.

You will need to click “Set Up” to start the process. After, choose the files you want to add to the cloud drive and follow the on-screen instructions.

Cloning a Hard Drive

When you buy a new Mac, you can clone your old hard drive to backup your information. The “Source Disk” is the previous computer, and the “target disk” is new.

Scroll down to the section labeled “Cloning Options” and press “Backup Everything.” Press “Clone” to finalize the process, and all of your files will be on the new computer.

Manual Backups

You can manually back up your Mac files without using Time Machine, a cloud server, or cloning software. Use Finder to locate the “Startup Disk.”

Open the “Startup Disk” and navigate to the appropriate users. Select the files you need to backup. After, drag-and-drop the information to a new drive that you created.

Backup Your Mac Drive to Google Drive

You never know when something may happen to your computer that makes you lose all of your data. It is necessary to have a backup location of your most important files and folders. Google Drive is one of the most comprehensive cloud servers that allows you to save this information.

It is best to use the desktop app to learn how to backup Mac to Google Drive. Download it from the Google website and log in to your account. After, select the files you need to upload and allow the app to sync changes automatically.

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