How to Find My Own Post in Facebook Group

The group feature on Facebook is a great way to help you connect with like-minded individuals. There are so many different interests to choose from, you’re sure to find a group that will work for you and connects you with people you may not come in contact with in other ways.
If you are in a small group that doesn’t post often, then looking for specific posts isn’t a problem. You can just scroll through the feed. However, if your group is growing and people post multiple times a day, it’s easy for things to get lost. This might have you asking how to find my own post in Facebook group.
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How to Find my Own Post in a Facebook Group (Step-by-Step)
Facebook is aware of how fast they are growing and that things can get lost in the shuffle. For groups in particular, they have put processes in place to answer your query about how to find my own post in Facebook group.
The search process they have implemented is quick and easy.
Keep in mind that the steps listed below are for finding information in Facebook groups if you are on a laptop or desktop computer.
Step 1: Go to Your Groups
After you have logged in to your Facebook account, to search within a specific group, you will need to go to those postings.
The list of groups you belong to can be found in a list on the left-hand side of the page. It says “Groups” and there is a blue circle with people in white.

Step 2: Find the Specific Group
When wondering how to find my own post in Facebook group, after you have clicked on the “Groups” icon, this will open another screen that shows the most recent activity in the groups you are a member of in the middle of the screen.
To go to a specific group to find your posts, you’ll need to choose it from the list on the left-hand side of the screen.
If you belong to a lot of groups, you may need to scroll until you find what you’re looking for.
Once you’ve located the group, click on it.

Step 3: Search for Your Posts
Once you have clicked on the group you want to search for, you will see all of the posts in the center of your screen. To search for your posts specifically, on the toolbar underneath the group title, click on the magnifying glass.
This will open a pop-up box with a search bar and some other options.
If you are looking for the posts you made in the group, you will see your profile picture and name with the words “See your group activity.”
Click on that.

Step 4: Browse Your Posts
When asking how to find my own post in Facebook group, after clicking on the “See your group activity” option, you will be taken to a new screen that shows all of your posts within that particular group.
If you have made more than one post, you can scroll through to find the one you are looking for.

How to Find my Own Post in a Facebook Group Using the Facebook App
As mentioned, the steps listed above will help you when you are wondering how to find my own post in Facebook group while on your laptop or desktop. If you are on your phone using the Facebook app, these are the steps you’ll need to follow:
Step 1: Go to Groups
Once you have accessed your Facebook page, you’ll then need to go to your groups.
On the app, this icon can be found at the top of your screen. It is a circle with multiple people inside.
Click on that.

Step 2: Locate the Group You Want to Search
After clicking on “Groups,” this will bring up a list of recent activity that has occurred in the groups you are a member of.
To find a specific group, click the “Your Group” button near the top of the page.
You’ll then need to scroll down a bit to see the list of groups you belong to. Find the specific group you want to search and click on it.

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Step 3: Open the Search Option
Once you are in the group on the app, you’ll need to open the search menu.
You’ll find the magnifying glass at the top of the page, usually within the top photo that has been picked for the group.
Click on it.

Step 4: Add Your Search Parameters
After clicking on the magnifying glass, this will open a new window with a variety of search options. If you are wondering how to find my own post in Facebook group, your profile picture and name will be near the top with “See your group activity” written beneath.
When you click on this, it will open a new list of all of the posts you have made within that specific group.

How to Search Facebook Posts by Word
In addition to asking how to find my own post in Facebook group, you might also be wondering how to search Facebook posts by word. If you are looking for a specific word or phrase, you can search within your Facebook groups or the entire site — whichever you prefer!
Here are the steps you’ll need to follow when asking how to search Facebook posts by word.
Step 1: Log in to Your Account
Make sure you are logged in to your Facebook account so that you can access the search feature.
Step 2: Look for the Magnifying Glass
To search the entire Facebook site, you’ll need to find the magnifying glass, which is on the search bar.
This is usually found in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
Step 3: Input Your Search Word(s)
When asking how to search Facebook posts by word, after you have located the magnifying glass, you will then enter your specific word(s) or phrase(s) into the search box and then hit enter.
Step 4: Narrow Down Your Parameters
After hitting enter, you will be taken to a new screen that will show you all of the places where the word you entered can be found on Facebook.
In the column on the left-hand side of the screen, you can narrow down your search parameters to look for the word in specific places.
Perhaps you are looking for a certain group or a specific person. Maybe you are trying to buy a certain item online on Facebook Marketplace.
No matter why you are looking for a specific word or phrase on Facebook, you can narrow your search so that you can find exactly what you’re looking for.
If you are specifically looking for posts that contain a specific word or phrase, then you’ll want to click on the “Posts” option in the list.
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Step 5: Specify What Type of Posts
Clicking on “Posts” will open another dropdown menu with more options to further refine your search. The choices you have here include:
- “Recent Posts”
- “Posts You’ve Seen”
- “Dated Post”
- “Posts From”
- “Tagged Location”
The first two options on the list are controlled by toggle switches, so if you want your word search to include information that was posted recently or that you may have seen in your news feed, turn these on.
The other three options will open drop-down menus, and you can choose from the list which ones will help you refine your search and help you find the word you are looking for in a post.
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Different Steps for Searching for Posts on the Facebook App
If you are using the Facebook app when asking how to search Facebook posts by word, most of the steps are the same, but there are some slight differences. These include the following:
- After you entered your word or phrase into the search bar and hit return, the list of choices to narrow your search down will be right under the search bar. To specifically looks for posts, find “Post” on the list (scrolling left if necessary) and click on it.
- Once you’ve done that, you’ll then need to click on the two lines with open circles that are found in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This will bring up the menu that will allow you to narrow your post search down to the parameters listed above. Then, you’ll need to click the “Show Results” button at the bottom of the page.
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Making Facebook Easier to Navigate
Facebook does what it can to be the best place to connect to other people. What started out as a way to stay in contact with friends and family has grown, and you are now able to connect with people who have similar interests in groups.
With so much going on, it’s easy for posts to get lost. If you’re wondering how to find my own post in Facebook group, these are the steps you’ll need to take, especially if you are accessing Facebook from a desktop or laptop computer:
- Step 1: Log in to Your Facebook Account
- Step 2: Go to Your Groups
- Step 3: Find the Specific Group
- Step 4: Search for Your Posts
- Step 5: Browse Your Posts
If you are looking for a specific word or phrase in a post on Facebook, the steps you’ll need to take include the following:
- Step 1: Log in to Your Account
- Step 2: Look for the Magnifying Glass
- Step 3: Input Your Search Words
- Step 4: Narrow Down Your Parameters
- Step 5: Specify What Type of Posts
Facebook may be a huge social site with a lot of posts, but it can be relatively easy to navigate. Once you know how to find what you’re looking for, you should be able to get your results quickly.
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