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Getting a book published today is incredibly easy. With the evolution of technology, self-publishing your book can lead to a lucrative career.

However, just because you’ve published a book, that doesn’t necessarily mean people are going to read it. Whether you’re self-published, indie published or traditionally published, you are competing wit millions of other authors to get readers to notice you. This might have you wondering how to get your book noticed on Amazon.

There is, of course, no tried and true way to become a bestseller, but there are certain things you can try. When it comes to wondering how to get your book noticed, persistence and patience are key, as are trying some of the things we’ve listed below.

How to Get Your Book Noticed on Amazon

When it comes to learning how to get your book noticed on Amazon, you’re going to need to employ more than one tactic to be successful. Book promotion requires time, so this isn’t a one-and-done type of deal. You have to constantly keep putting yourself and your book out there to get yourself noticed.

Here are some things you can try to get noticed on Amazon:

1. Create a Good-Looking Cover

The cover of your book doesn’t tell the whole story, but when it comes to your narrative and wondering how to get your book noticed on Amazon, your cover is the first thing people are going to see.

You need to make sure the image is eye-catching and intriguing. You want people to be curious about what’s going on based on what your cover looks like. It’s in your best interest to have your cover created by someone who knows what they’re doing, so don’t go super cheap when it comes to this aspect of your book.

2. Write a Great Book Description

If you’re lucky enough to have the cover draw a reader in, the next thing they are going to do is read the blurb to see what the book is about. To make your story stand out and ensure that the reader picks it, make sure your book description gives them enough to know what the story is about, but not so much that you completely ruin the plot.

3. Edit and Proofread Well

After you’ve taken care of the outside of your book, you need to make sure the insides keep the reader engaged. That means making sure the text has been edited and proofread.

This is something you can do on your own, but when trying to get noticed on Amazon, it’s in your best interest to pay a professional to help with this endeavor. Remember: you’re going up against millions of other stories.

4. Introduce Yourself to Your Readers

Gone are the days of authors hiding behind their works and not being involved in the promotion process. Now, it’s expected that you get out and tell people about your works — as well as connect with them.

Technology has made it possible for readers to not only connect to the story, but to connect with you as well — and they love being able to do that. Introducing yourself to your readers, letting them know you’re human and maybe letting them in on your writing process could be a great way to get your book noticed.

5. Promote Your Book on Your Social Media Platforms

When wondering how to get your book noticed on Amazon, you have to have an online presence on as many social media sites as possible.

If your strategy is to tell people “Buy my book,” you’re going to get ignored. You need to be social. You need to talk to them and engage with them. Hold contests and cover reveals. Give them excerpts from your story, or tell them about a crazy thing that happened while you were writing.

6. Publish Paperbacks Through KDP

When self-publishing your book, using KDP makes your life so much simpler. When wondering how to get your book on Amazon, this is the platform you use. It offers you the ability to upload an ebook, as well as create paperback copies.

Ebooks are an incredibly popular format when it comes to stories, and they are cheap and easy to distribute. However, there are still some readers who prefer to hold paperback copies in their hands.

Publishing through KDP is incredibly easy, and you can even take care of ISBN numbers right there through Amazon. The final products are high-quality and easy for readers to get a hold of, so when you’re wondering how to promote my book on Amazon, this is definitely something you need to consider doing.

Should you find yourself asking, “Can I see who bought my book on Amazon,” you can through reports that are generated on KDP.

7. Make and Upload Book Trailers

A book trailer is no different than a movie trailer: it’s a short, quick video that is used to tease viewers and get them interested in your story.

It might seem weird to create a video trailer for a book that is text, but you have to give the audience what they want. With attention spans growing shorter and videos being a great way to draw readers in, a book trailer might just be the thing that sends people to your Amazon page to buy your book.

8. Join Amazon’s Associate Program

By joining Amazon’s Associate Program, you can monetize your blog to ensure that you get paid when making recommendations and having readers click on your links.

When it comes to wondering how to get your book noticed on Amazon, this could be a good way to get people to the site and read your story.

9. Add a Kindle Countdown Deals Promotion

If you’re wondering how to market book on Amazon, add your book to KDP Select; there is a chance that you can get paid when it comes to the number of pages read.

Another perk that is offered by KDP Select is the ability to run different types of promotions, including the Kindle Countdown Deals Promotion.

For this, you’ll choose special pricing for your book, then decide how long you want to run the promotion. The shorter the time frame, the more urgency you might build in readers to buy your book.

If you’re wondering how to promote my book on Amazon, the Countdown Deal is something you need to consider. The best thing about this is that Amazon does a lot of the work for you. It’s still a good idea to share the news on your social media sites, but having Amazon help is potentially beneficial.

10. Encourage Readers to Leave Reviews

When learning how to get your book noticed on Amazon, reviews are the lifeblood of the industry. The more reviews you have on your site, the more likely Amazon is to promote your product to others.

Although, you have to be careful with your reviews. Amazon frequently changes the rules for product reviews, and getting readers to actually leave a review can be tough.

Staying informed about Amazon’s current review rules and being persistent with readers could eventually pay off.

How to Promote Your Book for Free Online

When asking how to get your book noticed on Amazon, you’ll notice that there are a lot of paid opportunities out there for you to consider, but this can get expensive. When it comes to free book promotion, here are some things to consider:

1. Post on Free Promotion Sites

There are several sites dedicated to readers and the promotion of your book. Listing your stories on any or all of these could ensure that you’re found by readers, and then you can direct them back to your Amazon page to hopefully make a sale.

The sites include:

And so many more. The more sites you list on, the higher your chances of getting noticed.

2. Create an Email List

Sending out newsletters and other information through email is a great way to connect with readers and potentially make some book sales.

You can either collect the email information yourself or use some free sites to help with the process. Mailchimp is free to use for up to a certain number of subscribers, and it can help you stay in compliance with the rules and regulations that govern how electronic information should be sent to recipients.

3. Write Blogs

A great way to connect with readers without paying too much money is to create a blog. There are several sites you can use that won’t cost you anything.

Having a blog means that you can share a variety of different details about your book, including excerpts, the cover, your book trailers and so much more.

4. Give Out Free Copies and Ask for Reviews

It may seem counterintuitive to give out free copies of your books if you’re trying to make money on sales, but as a new author, you have to start somewhere.

Remember how we said having reviews on Amazon can help during the how to get your book noticed on Amazon process? Giving out free books and asking for reviews in return can help with this endeavor.

5. Create a YouTube Channel

Not only can you post your book trailers on YouTube, but you can add other book-related videos as well. Maybe you want to post yourself reading a chapter of your book or talking about the writing process.

No matter what type of video you make, it could be a great way to promote your work and make people aware of the story you have to offer.

6. Ask for Help

As we mentioned, the vast majority of book promotion will fall on your shoulders, but you don’t have to go it alone. You can ask others for help. Some of the things you might consider include:

  • Asking your other author friends to mention your work on their social media pages
  • Writing guest posts for various blogs
  • Getting to know social influencers and asking if they’ll help promote your work

How to Make Your Book Popular

In addition to wondering how to get your book noticed on Amazon, you might also be curious about how to make your book popular.

This, of course, is the question that everyone wants the answer to. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to make this happen. Not only does it require persistence, but you’ll also need some luck. To push that in the right direction, some of the things you can try include the following:

1. Write More than One Book

It’s hard to predict what the next book trend is going to be or what readers are going to be interested in, so instead of putting all your hopes and dreams on one book, write more. The more you have to offer readers, the higher your chances of you and your stories becoming popular.

2. Make Sure Readers Can Find You

It can’t be emphasized enough that if you want your book to become popular and you want to get noticed on Amazon, readers have to be able to find you. Being online helps with this endeavor, so make sure you’re on as many social sites as possible and are connecting meaningfully with others.

Give Your Book a Fighting Chance

At the moment, it’s easier than ever to write and book and publish it for the world to see. However, just because your book exists, that doesn’t mean people are going to read it. If you’re wondering how to get your book noticed on Amazon, you might try the following:

  1. Create a Good-Looking Cover
  2. Write a Great Book Description
  3. Edit and Proofread Well
  4. Introduce Yourself to Your Readers
  5. Promote Your Book on Your Social Media Platforms
  6. Publish Paperbacks Through KDP
  7. Make and Upload Book Trailers
  8. Join Amazon’s Associate Program
  9. Add a Kindle Countdown Deals Promotion
  10. Encourage Readers to Leave Reviews

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