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Google Docs is an incredibly versatile and easy-to-use program that allows you to create a wide range of documents. Not only can you create professional-looking reports or type up letters, but Google Docs also allows you to have some fun.

If you are hoping to make signs for a garage sale or are creating a document for young kids, you may be wondering how to make bubble letters in Google Docs.

The bubble letter font looks like puffy bubbles or balloons. Bubble letters are appealing because they are fun and stand out. As strange as it may seem, the bubble letter font has a friendly look to it.

Using bubble letters can be a great way to get people to read what you have to say or to create projects that are eye-catching. You can even add color to them, making them even more thrilling to look at.

How to Make Bubble Letters in Google Docs Using the Drawing Feature

When asking how to make bubble letters in Google Docs, there are a couple of different options you can try. The first option is to use the Drawing feature in Google Docs.

Step 1: Open Google Drive

The first thing you’ll need to do when asking how to make bubble letters in Google Docs is to open your Google Drive.

You can use whatever browser you prefer for this step, and when prompted, type in your username and password.

Step 2: Open a Google Doc

For this step, you can open an existing document or create a new one.

If you are adding bubble letters to a document that already exists, you’ll need to find it in your saved items and double click on it.

To create a new document, you’ll want to click the New button on the left-hand side of the screen. When the list of options appears, click on “Google Docs.”

Step 3: Insert a Drawing

Whether you’re in an existing document or a new document, when it comes to learning how to make bubble letters in Google Docs, the next thing you’ll want to do is click on the Insert tab in the toolbar at the top of the page.

A drop-down menu will appear, and you’ll look for and click on the “Drawing” option. Another menu will pop up, and you’ll click on “+ New.”

This will open the Drawing window over the top of your Google Doc.

go to insert drawing and then new how to make bubble letters in Word

Step 4: Click on Actions and Add Word Art

Once the Drawing window is open, you’ll want to click on the down arrow next to the word Actions, which can be found in the far-left corner of the screen.

A list of options will appear. Click on “Word Art.”

click on actions and then word art how to make bubble letters in Google Docs

Step 5: Insert Your Text

Clicking on “Word Art” opens a text box in the Drawing menu. Within that box, type the text that you want to add to your Google Doc.

Hit Enter.

add a text and then hit enter how to make bubble letters in Google Docs

Step 6: Edit Your Bubble Letters

After typing your words into the Word Art dialogue box and hitting enter, you will then see your text in the Drawing window.

From here, you can make edits to the lettering.

Some of the options include changing the font, which can be found on the right-hand side of the screen. You’ll click the down arrow next to the name of the font, then pick the one you like.

You can also make the letters bold or italic, as well as change the color.

To change the color, you’ll want to make sure the letters are selected. You’ll know when they are because a border will appear around them. If you don’t see this border, click anywhere on the letters to select them.

In the toolbar, you will see an icon that looks like a paint can with a drop of liquid coming out of it. Click on this to open the color options menu. Then, choose which color you want your words to be.

click on the save a close button how to make bubble letters in Word

After typing your words into the Word Art dialogue box and hitting enter, you will then see your text in the Drawing window.

From here, you can make edits to the lettering.

Some of the options include changing the font, which can be found on the right-hand side of the screen. You’ll click the down arrow next to the name of the font, then pick the one you like.

You can also make the letters bold or italic, as well as change the color.

To change the color, you’ll want to make sure the letters are selected. You’ll know when they are because a border will appear around them. If you don’t see this border, click anywhere on the letters to select them.

In the toolbar, you will see an icon that looks like a paint can with a drop of liquid coming out of it. Click on this to open the color options menu. Then, choose which color you want your words to be.

clever sequence bubble letters how to make bubble letters in Google Docs

Something to keep in mind when changing the color is that if you put all of the words together in the Word Art box, then they will all be the same color.

If you want each word to be a different color, then each one needs to be in its own Word Art box. You can achieve this goal by clicking on Actions and “Word Art” and typing in the text until you have all the text in the Drawing window that you want to be included in your Google Doc.

Step 7: Save and Close

After you have edited your bubble letters, you will then click the Save and Close button found on the right-hand side of the screen at the top.

This will insert the bubble letter font into your Google Doc.

Step 8: Make More Edits (if necessary)

When learning how to make bubble letters in Google Docs, they are inserted into the document as an image. This allows you to make some edits, if necessary.

Within the Google Doc, you have the option of changing the layout of your bubble letters. If they have been inserted into a pre-existing document, you can have the other text wrap around them. Or you can have your bubble letters in front of or behind the other text.

You can also change the size to make your bubble letters larger or smaller.

At this point, you get to have some fun and determine how your bubble letters will look best in your final document.

Should you decide that you want to change the colors or the font, you’ll need to go back to the Drawing window by clicking on your bubble letters and then clicking on the “Edit” option.

How to Make Bubble Letters in Google Docs Using Fonts

Another option you have when wondering how to make bubble letters in Google Docs is to add a fonts extension. Here are the steps you’ll undertake to achieve this goal:

Step 1: Open Your Google Drive

As always, the first thing you’ll want to do when trying to create a Google Doc is to open your Google Drive.

Step 2: Open a New Google Doc

Once you have access, open a new Google Doc by clicking on the New button in the upper left-hand corner and choose “Google Docs” from the list of options.

Step 3: Click Add-Ons

In the toolbar at the top of the page, you’ll see a tab called Add-Ons.

Click on that.

When the list of options appears, click on “Get add-ons.”

Step 4: Search for “Extensis Fonts”

Clicking on “Get add-ons” opens a new window. At the top, you will see a search bar, and you’ll want to type in the terms “Extensis Fonts,” then hit Enter.

Step 5: Choose “Extensis Fonts” from the List

Under the search bar, click on the “Extensis Fonts” option, then click on the Install button in the upper right-hand corner.

clever sequence extensis fonts to get bubble letters on microsoft docs

Step 6: Find the Bubble Font

Once “Extensis Fonts” has been installed, you can then go through and look for a bubble font to add to your document.

How to Make Bubble Letters in Word

In addition to asking how to make bubble letters in Google Docs, you might also be curious about how to make bubble letters in Word. The process is similar, as you’ll use Word Art to achieve your goals.

Step 1: Open a Word Document

The first thing you’ll want to do when asking how to make bubble letters in Word is open a new document.

Step 2: Type in Your Text

In your new document, type in the text that you want to change into bubble letters.

Step 3: Select the Text

After typing in the text you want to be in bubble font, you’ll then want to select them.

Use the cursor to highlight the text within your document.

Step 4: Insert Word Art

After highlighting the text, go to the Insert tab at the top of the page. Look for Word Art and click on the down arrow.

The Word Art icon looks like an “A” that is about to tip over.

After clicking on the down arrow, a new menu with options will appear. Choose the one that looks like the bubble letters you want to add to your document and click on it.

Step 5: Make Edits

Turning your text into Word Art will place it into a text box. From there, you can make edits, including changing the color, adding some effects and changing the font to make it look more bubble-y.

This is when your creative side gets to shine. Have some fun with this step and make your bubble text look amazing!

Add Some Fun to Your Document

Using Google Docs or Word to create documents ensures that they look professional. However, there are times when your message should be fun, and changing the font helps with that endeavor. If you find yourself wondering how to make bubble letters in Google Docs, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Open Google Drive
  2. Open a Google Doc
  3. Insert a Drawing
  4. Click on Actions and Add Word Art
  5. Insert Your Text
  6. Edit Your Bubble Letters
  7. Save and Close
  8. Make More Edits (if necessary)

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