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Adding extensions to your browser can be a great way to enhance your computer experience. There are many different options to choose from, and if you do a lot of writing (or even if you don’t), having the Grammarly extension on Chrome helps improve your documents before you send them to others.

However, there are times when extensions don’t work the way they are supposed to. If you find that they are slowing down your browser or causing other computer issues, then you may be wondering how to remove Grammarly from Chrome.

What Does Grammarly Do?

Before learning how to remove Grammarly from Chrome, it’s helpful if you know exactly what Grammarly does.

In essence, Grammarly is a “writing assistant” that proofreads and edits documents that are created on a computer. It is more advanced than the editing tool that is found in Word, as it looks for more than 250 different types of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.

Believe it or not, Grammarly is an artificial intelligence (AI) system that has been around since 2009. Over the years, linguists and engineers have improved and changed the program so that the algorithms can detect patterns of good writing and apply them to what you’re working on.

When Grammarly goes through a piece of writing, it looks at every sentence to find errors. If it finds any, it will then make suggestions on how to fix them.

grammarly how to word something professionally - how to sound professional in an email

Different Ways to Use Grammarly

There are a couple of different ways to use Grammarly. You can visit the website or add an extension to your browser.

If you have the extension, the errors it finds in whatever you are typing on your screen will be underlined in red. When you click on them, a menu with suggestions will appear. You click on the one you want to incorporate.

If you use the Grammarly website, you’ll have to upload your document. The program will then do its check and give your work a score. It will also highlight the errors and make suggestions on how to fix them. Again, you get to decide which ones you want to incorporate into your document.

A Trustworthy Tool

A lot of people use and trust Grammarly because it is highly accurate and (generally) makes appropriate suggestions for issues. There are different ways to use this program, including the free version, which gives you basic feedback on your writing, and the professional version, which costs, but does a much more in-depth edit of your work.

Despite the many positives that come with using Grammarly, there are some downsides as well. The program may be really good at making suggestions when it finds errors, but those suggestions may not always be completely accurate. You need to know enough about writing (and your specific style) to decide if you want to take Grammarly’s suggestions or ignore them.

As a new writer, this might be confusing. You might also inadvertently input more errors into your writing. While Grammarly is a useful tool, if you have major concerns about turning in your document and having others read it, you might consider working with an editor in addition to using this program.

How to Remove Grammarly from Chrome

Remove Grammarly from Chrome Using the Tools Option how to remove Grammarly from Chrome

When it comes to asking how to remove Grammarly from Chrome, there are a couple of different ways to achieve your goal. We’ve included the steps for both below, and you get to decide which one works best for you.

How to Remove Grammarly from Chrome Using the Tools Option

The first thing you’ll need to do when learning how to remove Grammarly from Chrome using the tools option is to open Chrome.

Step 1: Use the More Tools Option

Click on the three vertical dots that appear in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

Choose “More tools” from the drop-down menu.

Step 2: Manage Your Extensions

Clicking on “More tools” will open another drop-down menu, and you’ll want to click on “Extensions.”

Doing so will bring you to a new screen that lists all of the extensions you have added to Chrome.

Look for Grammarly, then click the Remove button at the bottom of the box.

Grammarly should be removed from Chrome. To ensure that’s the case, you may need to close out of the browser and restart your computer.

How to Remove Grammarly from Chrome Using Your Mouse

Remove Grammarly from Chrome with Your Mouse how to remove Grammarly from Chrome

Another option you have when wondering how to remove Grammarly from Chrome is to use your mouse. The steps for this process include the following:

Step 1: Right-Click on the Grammarly Icon

Once the browser has been opened, the next thing you’ll do is right-click on the Grammarly icon at the top of the page. It should be right next to the address bar on the right side. It’s a green circle with a “G” in the middle.

Step 2: Remove the Extension

Right-clicking on the icon will open a drop-down menu. From the list of options, click on “Remove Extension.”

Grammarly should now be gone from Chrome.

Again, you might consider closing out the browser and restarting your computer to make sure.

If you are wondering how to remove Grammarly from Google Docs, following the steps to remove it from the browser should ensure that it no longer appears when you are in your Google Drive.

right click on the little icon and then remove from chrome- how to remove Grammarly from Chrome

How to Disable Grammarly on Chrome

Disable Grammarly on Chrome how to remove Grammarly from Chrome

In addition to asking how to remove Grammarly from Chrome, you might consider disabling it until you need to use it again. To disable Grammarly, you’ll take these steps:

Step 1: Open Chrome

As usual, the first step when it comes to disabling Grammarly on Chrome is to open the browser.

Step 2: Go to More Tools

Once the browser has been opened, click on the three vertical dots in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

When the drop-down menu appears, click on “More tools.”

click on the three horizontal dots then more tools then extensions how to remove Grammarly from Google Docs

Step 3: Click on Extensions

In the new drop-down menu that appears, click on “Extensions.”

You will be taken to a new window with a list of the extensions you have added to Chrome.

Step 4: Disable Grammarly

To disable Grammarly but not completely remove it from Chrome, click on the toggle found on the bottom right-hand side of the box. This will turn the extension off until you are ready to use it again.

click on the remove button then remove how to remove Grammarly from Chrome

How to Remove Grammarly from Safari

Remove Grammarly from Safari

If you happen to have an Apple computer with Grammarly, you may not be asking how to remove Grammarly from Chrome, but you might be wondering how to remove Grammarly from Safari. Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Open Safari

The first thing you’ll need to do when removing Grammarly from Safari is to open the browser.

Step 2: Select Preferences

Once Safari is open, click on the main menu tab. From the drop-down list that appears, click on “Preferences.”

Step 3: Go to Extensions

When the next list of options appears, choose “Extensions.”

click on preferences then on extensions how to remove Grammarly from Safari

Step 4: Uninstall Grammarly

A new window will open, and you will see a list of extensions that have been added to Safari on the left-hand side. Look for and click on Grammarly.

Click on “Uninstall” to remove Grammarly from Safari.

This should remove the extension from your browser, but if you find that it’s still running, you may need to take some additional steps:

deselect grammarly and uninstall how to remove Grammarly

Step 5: Open the Advanced Tab

Under Safari “Preferences,” click on the “Advanced” tab.

You should see an option that says, “Show Develop menu in the menu bar.” Click on this to enable it.

Step 6: Expand the Develop Menu

After the “Develop” option has been added to your Safari menu, you’ll want to expand it by clicking on it.

Step 7: Empty the Caches

Once you have expanded the “Develop” menu, look for “Empty Caches” and click on it.

A drop-down list will appear, and you’ll need to look for “History” and click on it. When the next list of options appears, click on “Clear History.”

To ensure that you are removing Grammarly completely from your browser, you’ll want to clear “All History.” Click the “Clear History” button. Confirm that this is the step you want to take, then exit this menu.

Step 8: Go Back to Preferences & click on Privacy

From the main Safari tab, go back to the “Preferences” menu and click on “Privacy.” When the list of choices appears, find and choose the one that says, “Manage Website Data.”

You will then see a screen that lists all of the websites that have stored information about the activities you have engaged in on the internet. You will also be given a brief description of what removing this information will do.

click on manage website data how to remove Grammarly from Safari

If you feel comfortable, and if you want to make sure that Grammarly has been completely removed from Safari, click the button that says, “Remove All.”

look for grammarly and remove data how to remove Grammarly

Step 9: Restart Safari

You will get a confirmation message that you have accomplished your removal goals. To ensure that Grammarly has been removed, restart Safari.

How to Remove Grammarly from Word

Remove Grammarly from Word

If you happen to have Grammarly installed to check your Word or other Microsoft Office documents but you no longer want to use it, here’s how you would remove it:

Step 1: Open the Control Panel

The first thing you’ll want to do is open your Control Panel. Depending on the type of computer you have, this may be located in your taskbar at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2: Open Programs and Features

Once you have opened the Control Panel, look for and open the Programs and Features option. Specifically, you’ll want to look for “Uninstall a Program.”

Step 3: Uninstall Grammarly

A list of programs that have been added to your computer will appear, and you’ll want to look from Grammarly.

When you find it, right-click on Grammarly and then click on “Uninstall.”

It should now be removed from your computer.

Getting Rid of Unwanted Extensions

Grammarly is an incredibly beneficial tool that can be used to help with many different types of writing. From emails to reports to social media posts, Grammarly makes suggestions about grammar, spelling, and other issues to ensure that you have created a near-flawless document.

However, there may be times when this program becomes a hindrance rather than a help. If it’s slowing down your browser or causing other computer glitches, then you may be wondering how to remove Grammarly from Chrome. There are a couple of different ways for you to achieve your Grammarly removal goal:

The first includes managing your extensions:

  1. Open Chrome
  2. Click on the More Tools Option
  3. Manage Your Extensions

The second can be viewed as a shortcut:

  1. Open Chrome
  2. Right-Click on the Grammarly Icon
  3. Remove the Extension

If you decide you don’t want to completely remove Grammarly from your browser but need to disable it for a little while, here’s what you’ll do:

  1. Open Chrome
  2. Go to More Tools
  3. Click on Extensions
  4. Disable Grammarly

Should you happen to use Safari as your main browser and want to remove Grammarly, you’ll follow these steps:

  1. Open Safari
  2. Select Preferences
  3. Go to Extensions
  4. Uninstall Grammarly
  5. Open the Advanced Tab
  6. Expand the Develop Menu
  7. Empty the Caches
  8. Go Back to Preferences
  9. Restart Safari

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