How to Request Admin Access on Facebook Page

person with thumbs up request admin access to facebook page
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In this day and age, no matter what type of business you have, if you want to connect with current and new customers, then you need to have a Facebook Business Page. Of course, it’s not enough to have a Business Page, you have to use it to your advantage. That means posting often and making sure what you have to say is relevant to your audience.

To have complete control over your content, being an admin is in your best interest. If you currently don’t have that type of control, this may have you wondering how to request admin access on Facebook page.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps that are required to request admin access to a Facebook page, including how to request access to a page in Business Manager.

How to Request Admin Access on Facebook Page Through Business Manager

One of the most common ways to request admin access to a Facebook page is through Business Manager, and these are the steps you’ll need to undertake:

Step 1: Open Facebook Business Manager Account

The first thing you’ll need to do when learning how to request admin access on Facebook page is to log in to your Business Manager Account. This can be done on a laptop or desktop computer, or by accessing the Business Suite app on your phone.

Step 2: Select Business Settings

Once you’ve gained access to your account, you’ll then need to click on the business settings.

You can access these by clicking on the Menu button at the top of the page — it’s a box made up of multiple dots — or you can click the Settings option from the list on the left-hand side of the screen.

Step 3: Click on Pages and Add

After gaining access to your Settings, you’ll then need to click on the Pages option. Then, you’ll click on the Add button.

Step 4: Request Access to Page

To request access to a page in Business Manager, after you click the Add button, you will be given the option to “Request Access to Page.”

Click on this.

Then, you’ll need to enter the name of the page you want access to. From there, you’ll choose “Need Admin Permission.”

Once all of that has been filled out, click the “Request Access” button.

Since you aren’t already an admin of the page, you’ll have to wait until someone who has that type of access approves your request. Once they have, you’ll be able to have control over that particular Business Page.

How to Request Admin Access on Facebook Page Without a Business Manager Account

If you don’t have a Business Manager account, then when wondering how to request admin access on Facebook page, you’ll have to wait for the page admin to send you an invite.

How to Give Someone Access to Facebook Business Page

Once the admin has sent the invite and you’ve accepted, the next steps that have to be fulfilled when wondering how to give someone access to Facebook Business Page are the following:

Step 1: Settings Must be Changed

After logging into the Facebook Business Page, the current admin has to go to Settings.

Step 2: Page Roles Have to be Accessed

From the Settings menu, they will then need to click on Page Roles.

Step 3: Your Name and Email Address Have to be Added

Once they have gained access to the site, they’ll need your name and email address, and this will have to be added to the site.

Step 4: Set Role as Admin

Adding your information will then allow the current page admin to set your role as an admin.

Step 5: You Will Get a Notification Request

If after you make your request to be a page admin the current admin adds you, when wondering how to accept Facebook page admin request, you will then receive a request notification that you’ll have to accept so that you can start posting to the Business Page.

Giving Admin Access to Facebook Business Manager

Should you be wondering how to give admin access to Facebook Business Manager, you’ll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Business Settings

Once you’ve gained access to your Facebook Business Page, click on the Settings icon.

Step 2: Add People

From the Settings menu, you then need to click the People option, and then Add.

Step 3: Enter the Person’s Email and Select Their Role

When prompted, add the email of the person you want to add to your Business Manager. Then, select the role you would like them to take on. In this case, it would be to make them an admin.

Click Next.

Step 4: Decide Which Asset and Task Access You Want the Person to Have

Knowing which one(s) to assign will depend on how much access you want this particular person to have to your page. This will be based on business needs and personal preferences.

Step 5: Invite Them to Business Manager

The last step you’ll need to undertake when asking how to give admin access to Facebook Business Manager is to invite them to your page.

How to Send a Facebook Page Ownership Request

If you’re planning on taking over a Facebook Business Page, you’ll need to learn how to send a Facebook page ownership request. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

Step 1: Get Added as an Admin

The first thing you’ll need to do when attempting to take over Facebook page ownership is to be added as an admin.

To do this, send a request following the steps listed above to achieve this first goal.

Step 2: Current Owner Needs to Accept Your Request

After sending your request to become an admin, the current page owner needs to accept it and then go through the steps listed above to add you to their page.

If you’re wondering how to accept Facebook page admin request, you’ll have to wait for the message from the current admin.

Step 3: Current Owner Needs to Remove Themselves

Once the current owner has approved your request and made you an admin, they can then remove themselves from the Business Page.

Step 4: Add Yourself as Owner

After establishing yourself as the only admin of the Business Page, you can then go to your Business Manager account and add yourself as the owner.

Facebook Page Admin Request Not Received

If during this process you find your Facebook page admin request not received, consider sending it again. Should there still be issues, consider contacting Facebook support for help.

Promoting Your Business on Facebook

Having a presence on Facebook is a great way to ensure that you’re reaching current and potential clients. If you need to be able to post messages and create ads for a Business Page and are wondering how to request admin access on Facebook page, here’s what you should do:

  1. Open Facebook Business Manager Account
  2. Select Business Settings
  3. Click on Pages and Add
  4. Request Access to Page

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