Table of Contents

Twitter is a social media platform where you can make quick posts up to 140 characters in length. If you made your account years ago, you likely want to see what you used to create. You can learn how to see your old tweets so that you can reminisce with these precious memories.

You do not need to scroll incessantly to find old tweets, so you should not worry. There are several quicker methods you can use, depending on if you want to use the app or website. Learn more about many of these techniques in the information below.

Find Old Tweets through the Website

The methods discussed in this article are available on both the browser and mobile app. To start, look at the information below about the Twitter website.

Search Bar

You can learn how to search tweets from a specific user or your profile. You will only the information found in the specificities you include, however. Use the steps below to begin.

  1. Open a browser and go to
  2. Click on the search bar.
  3. Type “From:username” to locate tweets from a specific user.
  4. Type “since:yyyy-mm-dd” to find tweets posted since the date you selected.
  5. Type “until:yyyy-mm-dd” to find tweets posted up to the date you selected.
  6. Click on “All.”

The results will show up in descending chronological order. You can also use all three search functions together, separating them with a comma.

Advanced Search

Twitter also has an advanced search feature. This method lets you pull up even more specific results by using the steps below.

  1. Go to in a browser.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Click on “Advanced Search.”
  4. Look for the “People” subheading, and type in your or someone else’s username.
  5. In the “Dates” section, click on the calendar to denote your timeframe.
  6. Press “Search.”
  7. Click “Latest” to see every tweet from the timeframe and user you entered.

Tip #1

If there is one specific tweet you want to find, you can use the “Words” subheading under “Advanced Search.” The “All of These Words” option will pull up posts that only use the included words, while “This Exact Phrase” includes tweets that use the order you typed. The “Any of These Words” option pulls up tweets that use as few as one of the terms you wrote.

use advanced search to see old tweets - how to search old tweets on Android

Troubleshoot Advanced Search

If you find Twitter advanced search not working properly, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take. See the possible fixes if Twitter advanced search not working in the list below.

  • If searching another user, check to see if they have a protected account. If so, unless you are a follower, you will be unable to see their tweets.
  • Ensure you linked your email to your account. If you did not do this step when setting up your Twitter, you do not have a complete page.
  • Ensure the tweets you are on the hunt for do not contain sensitive content. The search bar will automatically omit these results.
  • Twitter will only show the most relevant tweets. If you are unhappy with the results, you can contact the company.

When using the advanced search feature, sometimes users cannot find their accounts in the results. This error prevents this tool from working properly too. There are more troubleshooting tips, as found below, however.

Ensure you fill in a name and a bio. Twitter will select complete profiles first. Make sure that you are an active user on Twitter. Again, the social media company prefers the most active accounts.

Get an Archive of Your Tweets

You can request an archive of your tweets at any time from Twitter. If the employees give you approval, you will receive a complete history of your account. Use the steps below to complete your request.

1. Type in
2. Scroll down to the section labeled “Content.”
3. Click on the button labeled “Request Your Archive.”
4. Wait for the push notification to arrive from Twitter. It may take literal weeks.

Get an Archive of Your Tweets click on request archive

5. After receiving the notification that your archive is ready, type in
6. Scroll down to the “Download Your Data” section.

download an archive of your data - how to see your old tweets

7. Click on “Download Archive.”
8. Double click on the “index.html” edition of the download to see your old tweets in the browser.
9. Download the ZIP file and click on the file labeled “tweets.csv” to see your posts in a spreadsheet.

click on download archive - how to see your old tweets

Twitter will also send you an email when your archive is available. You can click on the link in the message to start the download process.

Use the Mobile App to see old tweets

You can learn how to see your old tweets on the mobile app. The process is slightly different for iPhones and Androids, as described in the information below.

Find Old Tweets on Androids

The easiest way to learn how to search old tweets on Android is to use the search bar. Follow the steps below to begin.

1. Download Twitter from the Google Play store.
2. Click on the search tab on the bottom of the page.
3. Type in “from:username” to learn how to search tweets from a specific user.
4. Type in “since:yyyy-mm-dd” or “until:yyyy-mm-dd” to find tweets from a specific date.
5. Type in a keyword or hashtag after typing “from:username” to narrow down your search.

Type in from username to learn how to search tweets from a specific user - how to search tweets by date on app

Advanced Filters on Androids

You can use the Twitter advanced search on Android to find your old Tweets too. You will use the steps listed above, but you will later enter the necessary filters. These include:

  • Top tweets
  • Latest tweets
  • Photos
  • Video
  • News
  • People
  • Periscope

To access Twitter advanced search on Android, you will need to click on the tabs located at the top of the webpage. The process is simple after, as you will type in the filters you want to include.

Android Mobile Browser

You can also learn how to search old Tweets on Android using the mobile browser. Read the steps below to learn how.

  1. Go to in the mobile browser.
  2. Log into your account.
  3. Go to “Advanced Search” and enter the filters you want to use for your results. These include words, accounts, and dates to name a few.
  4. Tap the search box, indicated by a blue button on the top right corner.
  5. Fill in the appropriate boxes with the usernames, dates, and more.
use the Android Mobile Browser to see old tweets - how to search tweets from a specific user

Search Old Tweets on an iPhone

You can also learn how to see your old Tweets on your Apple iPhone. Download the app from the Apple App Store to begin.

  1. Download Twitter from the Apple App store.
  2. Go to your profile or another user’s profile to start learning how to search tweets by date on app features.
  3. Look for the date that you or the other individual joined Twitter.
  4. Open Safari and type in
  5. Log in to Twitter and swipe down to open the toolbar.
  6. Click on “Share.”
  7. Swipe left on the bottom tabs and press “Tap Request Site.”

After following these steps, you can start using the provided filters. Consider the list below to begin.

  1. In the “From these accounts” section, enter the username.
  2. In the “Dates” tab, look for the section labeled “From this Date.” Enter the day that the user joined Twitter.
  3. Enter an end date next to the word “To.”
  4. Press “Done.”
  5. Tap “Search.”

Advanced Features on the iPhone

You can learn how to search Tweets by date on app advanced search on iPhone. Read below to learn more.

  1. Open the Twitter app and log in to your account.
  2. In the search box, type in a keyword.
  3. Wait for the results to load.
  4. Use the filter tabs at the top of the page to select “latest,” “top,” “photos,” “people,” and more.
  5. Refine your search further to determine if you want to see results from anyone or only the people you follow.

Third-Party Techniques

There are several third-party apps and features that let you view your old tweets in one location. Consider starting with the options listed below.

All My Tweets

All My Tweets connects directly to your Twitter account to give you a cohesive view of your old posts. Use the steps below to get started with this option.

  1. Go to and enter your Twitter login details.
  2. Type in your or someone else’s username.
  3. Press the blue “Get Tweets” button.
  4. Wait for the webpage to load that shows all of your tweets in descending chronological order.

You can hide any replies or retweets by using the checkbox at the top of the page. This step will help narrow down your results when you learn how to see your old tweets.

Wayback Machine

The Wayback Machine lets you learn how to search tweets from a specific user or your account, even if someone already deleted the post. Use the steps below to get started.

  1. Type in on a browser.
  2. Copy and paste the URL of a specific Twitter profile.
  3. Click “Browse History.”
  4. Wait for the screenshots to load, and click on the year of the tweets you want to find.
  5. The Wayback Machine will display a screenshot of the Twitter page on the date you selected.

You can see only 20 to 30 tweets from the year you selected. The Wayback Machine does not allow you to scroll down to see more.

Tweet Binder

You can learn how to see your old tweets from the past seven days through Tweet Binder. Use the steps below.

  • Go to
  • Copy and paste the username you want to locate.
  • You can also use a comma to search hashtags and keywords with the username.
  • Press on “Create Free Twitter Report.”

You will see up to 500 tweets from the past week in your results. The process is completely free for you to use.


TweetDeleter, as the name implies, is technically for deleting your old tweets. You can, however, use the smart search engine to find the specific posts you need to erase using the steps below.

  1. Go to
  2. Press “Sign in with Twitter” and enter your login details.
  3. Select the “Smart Twitter search engine.”
  4. Enter in the keyword, date, or type you want to search.
  5. Select the tweets you want to delete if necessary.


You can learn how to see your old Tweets through Circleboom to get results within only a few seconds. You can only see your past 3,600 posts, however, as shown in the steps below.

  1. Go to and create an account.
  2. Link your Twitter by logging into your Twitter account.
  3. Press on your dashboard.
  4. Click “My Tweets,” followed by “Delete Tweets.”
  5. Wait for the past 3,600 tweets to load.
  6. Use the power search tool to filter the posts by keyword, hashtag, or name.
  7. If you want to continue to delete your tweet, click on the eye icon.


Twilert is software available on Android and Apple devices that allows you to learn how to search tweets by date on app. You can use the steps below to get started with this tool.

  1. Download the free Twilert app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
  2. Log in using your Twitter account details to link the app.
  3. Click on the “Old Tweets” tool and enter a keyword or hashtag in the search bar.
  4. Click on “Filter by Date” to only see tweets from a specific timeframe.


BackTweets is a simplistic tool that works by letting you input the specific information you want to load. Use the steps below to use this website.

  1. Go to in a browser.
  2. Type in a URL to a profile.
  3. You can also enter in a username or keyword.
  4. Click on the blue search button.
  5. Wait for the results, which will show all of the old tweets in chronological order.

Tip #2

All of the methods outlined above require that you use the search tool or a third-party app. You can scroll back if you want to see all the tweets you ever posted. Be careful, however, as if you lose your place, you will start back at the top.

Start Finding Old Tweets

Now you know how to see your old tweets on any platform. You can use the advanced search feature on both mobile and desktop browsers. The Twitter app also comes with filters that you can implement after entering a username or keyword.

Twitter also has built-in tools that allow you to see your old tweets, including the archive that you can request. You can also learn how to search old tweets on Android or iPhone devices using a third-party app like Twilert if you want an uncomplicated method.

Any of these methods will eventually find you the post you wanted to see. Remember, you can also use the steps above for any profile on Twitter.

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