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Part of the American dream is having enough money to live comfortably. What that means varies from person to person, but most will agree that having money in savings and not worrying about paying bills is something to strive for. It may also be nice to own a home and vehicle to show that you’ve “made it.”

In addition to the money you earn on your paycheck, you might have been thinking about the stock market and wondering if it would be advantageous to invest. The answer is that it depends. There is a chance you can make a lot of money, but there are also risks involved.

If you’ve already invested in the stock market, then you may be aware of the market fluctuations that impact how much your investments are worth. You are also aware that it’s hard to predict when things will be good and when they’ll take a turn for the worst.

While certain stocks may seem like a good investment at first, over time, things could go sour. You might even find yourself wondering how to sell Starbucks stock.

What is Starbucks Stock?

Like all stocks that exist in the market, Starbucks stock allows you to own a small part of the company and share in the profits that are made. You decide how much money you want to invest, and then as the company grows and increases its bottom line, a percentage of that is added to your account.

Starbucks common stock is traded on the Nasdaq, and the company went public on June 26, 1992. At that time, it was possible to buy the stock at a price of $17 per share.

When it comes to obtaining your own share, you have the option of buying it through a stockbroker or directly through the Direct Stock Purchase Plan that is administered by the company’s transfer agent, which is called Computershare.

What Are the Benefits of Investing in Starbucks Stock?

Benefits of Investing in Starbucks Stock how to sell shares on Fidelity

When it comes to investing in stocks in general and Starbucks stock specifically, there are many benefits that potentially exist. Remember, there are no guarantees when it comes to the stock market and what is going to happen to the economy. However, some of the reasons why people are willing to take risks are because of the following:

The Chance to Build Equity

You work hard for your money, and you want to make sure you get the most out of it. When you invest in long-term stocks, you have the chance of building equity and making more money without having to do more work. Knowing about the fluctuations that can occur in the market will help you put a plan together that will ensure you make the money to make the most out of your life.

Protection from Taxes

The more money you make, the more taxes you’re expected to pay. If you don’t want to send all of your money to the government, then investing in Starbucks stocks (or any stocks) will ensure you get better tax treatment over time.

You May Get Income from Your Investment

There are a couple of different ways that you can make money when you invest in stocks:

  • You can buy low and sell high (which may have you wondering how to sell Starbucks stock)
  • You can earn dividends or special distributions from the companies you invest with

Either option ensures your dollar gets stretched as far as possible. If you know what you’re doing and pay attention to the market, you can wind up making a lot of money that you can re-invest or use to live a comfortable life. Even if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can work with a financial advisor who can help you through the investment process.

How to Sell Starbucks Stock

Sell Starbucks Stock selling stocks on Fidelity

When asking how to sell Starbucks stock, the first thing you need to understand is that you have to wait until it vests. Once that occurs, the net shares from your stocks will be deposited into your Fidelity account. “Net” refers to the amount of money you receive once applicable taxes and fees have been removed.

Once the money has been transferred to your account, if you’re wondering how to sell Starbucks stock on Fidelity, these are the steps you’ll need to take:

Step 1: Log in to Your Fidelity Account

The first thing you’ll need to do when learning how to sell Starbucks stock is to log in to your Fidelity account. You can access it online, using any browser you prefer, or through the app. You’ll need to input your username and password.

Step 2: Go to Your Stock Plan Summary Page

Once you’ve gained access to your account, you’ll need to go to your “Stock Plan Summary” page and click on your individual account.

Step 3: Choose Trade

After gaining access to your stock page, in the upper left-hand corner of the screen, you will see an “Accounts & Trade” tab. You’ll need to hover over this, and when the drop-down menu appears, click on the “Trade” option.

Then, when wondering how to sell shares on Fidelity, select the account you want to trade, which would be your Starbucks stock.

Step 4: Place Your Trade

After clicking on the trade option for your Starbucks Fidelity, the trade ticket will appear. You’ll need to follow the prompts to finish trading this stock, which means you can sell/trade it for cash that can be transferred into your bank account.

Where to Sell Starbuck Stocks

Where to Sell Starbuck Stocks how to sell Starbucks stock

When learning how to sell Starbucks stock, you will notice that the only way you can sell it is through the Fidelity account.

Selling stocks on Fidelity requires signing into your account and following the steps we’ve included above.

If you have a stockbroker or financial advisor that you work with to manage your money, speaking to them might also be beneficial. They may have advice or other options when it comes to selling your Starbucks stock.

When is the Best Time to Sell Starbucks Stock?

the Best Time to Sell Starbucks Stock selling stocks on Fidelity

Answering this question isn’t exactly easy. If people could predict the best times to sell any of their stocks, they wouldn’t lose money.

However, since most people don’t have a crystal ball that allows them to see into the future, keeping an eye on the market and making decisions based on your feelings and needs can result in the “best” time to sell Starbucks stock.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you can’t do anything with your Starbucks stock until it has vested. Typically, this takes about two years after you’ve acquired the shares.

When that time arises, you have the option of selling whenever you want. Again, keeping an eye on the fluctuations in the market and talking with a financial advisor will ensure you get the most out of your stocks.

No matter when you decide to sell your Starbucks stocks on Fidelity, you may be subjected to fees. You will also be subjected to tax withholdings, as stocks are considered a source of income, and the government wants to ensure they get their share.

The amount you pay will depend on several factors, including how much your stock is worth and the time frame of when you are selling (if it’s within 60 days or longer).

If you are working with a broker or financial advisor, they may also charge a fee to help you manage your money.

Reading the fine print in your investment documents or speaking to a professional and asking questions will help you understand and be prepared for any fees that might arise during the stock selling process.

How Do I Get Started?

To sell your Starbucks stock, you need to log in to the Fidelity website or access the app from Android or iPhone. You’ll need to input your username and password, then navigate to your Stock Plan Summary page.

What Else do I Need to Know?

What Else do I Need to Know how to sell Starbucks stock

Investing in stocks can be an incredibly lucrative endeavor, but there are risks involved as well. The market naturally fluctuates, which means that prices will rise and fall from day to day; sometimes hour to hour. If you own Starbucks stock, things may look bleak at the moment, but that could change in the near future.

As a Starbucks employee, you are given shares of the company after working there for a certain amount of time. Then, when the stocks are vested, you have the opportunity to sell them and transfer the cash to your bank account. You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. You have the option of waiting to see if your investment will grow.

Even if you aren’t a Starbucks employee, you have the option of buying shares. If you’re a big fan of the company and want to own part of it, thinking that perhaps you’ll get money back from your venture, then take the chance and see what happens. Again, you have to wait until your shares are vested to cash them out, or you can let them grow.

It all boils down to personal preference and doing what’s best for you. Only you get to decide what a comfortable life looks like and take the steps to achieve that goal — which might include figuring out when to sell your Starbucks stock.

A Risky Venture

Investing in the stock market comes with both pros and cons. If there wasn’t the chance of making a lot of money without having to do much work, people wouldn’t keep putting money into stocks and hoping for the best.

Determining which stocks are going to be good bets isn’t always easy, and fluctuations in the market mean it’s hard to predict if you’ll see a return on your investment or lose everything. Of course, the only way to win the game is to play — and take on the risks as they arise.

For some, owning Starbucks stock will provide them with the funds they need to live a comfortable life. For others, this stock isn’t worth the risk or perhaps they’ll benefit from having the money right now. No matter the reason, if you’re wondering how to sell Starbucks stock, here’s what you do:

  • Log in to Your Fidelity Account
  • Go to Your Stock Plan Summary Page
  • Choose Trade
  • Place Your Trade

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