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Do you have a story rumbling around in your brain? Are you an avid reader that thinks you have the imagination to create a story just like your favorite author? If so, you might be wondering how to write a book with no experience.

If that’s the case, then we can help you through the process. The great thing about writing is that anyone can do it if they set aside the time and put in the effort. Even your favorite author had to start somewhere (they were a beginner at one time, too), and there’s no time like the present to learn how to start writing a book.

We hear you saying, “Help me write a book,” and we’ll do what we can! While there is no one-size-fits-all process, there are some tips and tricks that may make the process slightly easier. Read on to discover how to write your first book.

How to Write a Book with no Experience

When learning how to write a book with no experience, before you begin, the first thing you need to do is set up a comfortable workspace. The great thing about writing is that it can be done anywhere and everywhere. You don’t necessarily need to have a home office, but if you do, that can be where you work.

However, if you decide to write in your living room, bedroom, at a coffee shop or the library, that’s okay too — just make sure you’re comfortable and able to focus on the task at hand.

The Write Tools

The Write Tools I want to write a book where do I start

After you’ve created a comfortable workspace, the next thing you need is to make sure you have the right tools. These will come down to personal preference. The most common writing items include a pen and paper (or a pencil and paper) or a laptop or desktop computer.

If you find yourself saying, “I want to write a book where do I start,” using paper and a writing utensil can be beneficial because the act of handwriting engages your brain with what you’re putting on the page. You also don’t have to worry about the writing utensil running out of battery, and you can take notebooks and pens with you no matter where you go.

Of course, the great thing about using a computer is that your story will already be typed. Laptops are also incredibly portable and can go anywhere you go. You can also buy a portable charger to ensure you never run out of power while working on your book.

Word Processing Software

Word Processing Software how to write a good book

When wondering how to write a book with no experience, if you plan on getting your book published at some point, you might want to consider using Microsoft Word — it’s the program used in the publishing world. It can be a bit costly to buy this program but think of it as an investment in yourself and your future as a writer.

You might be thinking about using Google Docs to create your book, and this can be a great way to access your story no matter where you’re at. Having this document on your Drive can also be a great way to have a backup copy.

However, keep in mind that if you want to send your finished book in for consideration for publishing, especially as an electronic document, you’ll more than likely need to convert it to Word.

In addition to Word, you’ll also want to have access to a dictionary and thesaurus. These can be found easily online, but if you want a physical copy, that’s up to you.

You can also add anything else to your workspace that makes you happy and inspires you to write.

How to Begin Writing a Book

When wondering how to write a book with no experience, once you have your workspace set up, the next thing you need to decide is what you want to write about.

Step 1: Choose Your Topic

Choose Your Topic how to write a book with no experience

There is a universe of possibilities out there, and you need to figure out what you have a passion for.

You might think that every idea for stories has been taken, and you’re partly right. There are no new stories to create, but there aren’t stories that are told in your voice. You have a unique way of writing and presenting information, so don’t let anything hold you back. Choose something that interests you and makes you happy.

Step 2: Pick an Audience

Pick an Audience I want to write a book where do I start

When wondering how to make a good book, after you’ve settled on a topic, you then have to figure out who your audience is.

You may think that everyone in the world is going to read your book, but this just isn’t true. Not everyone cares about what you have to say, and they may not like the topic you’ve picked. Plus, trying to write to everyone is an impossible task that will stress you out before you even get started.

Instead, focus on a smaller group of people that you know want to read what you have to write. This will save you a lot of frustration in the long run and ensure you have the motivation to keep writing your masterpiece.

Step 3: Create an Outline

Create an Outline how to write a book with no experience

When asking, “I want to write a book where do I start,” once you have a topic in mind, the next thing you want to do is create an outline.

You may have heard that your favorite author doesn’t use an outline when it comes to writing, and that’s fine. They’ve also been creating books for a while. Since you’re asking how to write a book with no experience, creating an outline is a good place to start. Once you become experienced, then you can decide whether to get rid of the outline or not.

Your outline should break your book into sections or chapters, and you should know what you’re going to talk about in each one. At this point, you don’t need to know all the details, but you need to know enough to know if each part will contribute to the whole.

Your outline can and should be flexible. When learning how to write a good book, being able to move things around for clarity or deciding whether or not something is as important as you think is beneficial.

Your ultimate goal is to share information (whether fictional or not) with your readers. If they don’t understand what you’re saying, then you’ve failed at your job. Keep your audience in mind as you determine how the book should be put together.

Step 4: Do Your Research

Do Your Research how to write a book with no experience

If you are wondering how to write a successful book — whether it’s fiction or nonfiction — you’ll have to do research. Depending on your topic, it may be intensive, or it may require heading to a few websites and looking things up.

It’s a good idea to conduct the bulk of your research after creating an outline so that you know where this information should be included in your overall project. However, keep in mind that you may need to go back to verify information or find new data as you proceed through the project, and that’s okay.

Although, doing most of your research ahead of time will ensure that you have what you need to stay focused and get your words down on the page.

Step 5: Set Aside Time Every Day to Write

Set Aside Time Every Day to Write I want to write a book where do I start

Since you’re asking, “I want to write a book where do I start,” to ensure you go the distance and finish your project, make sure to set aside time every day to write. This is important when learning how to write a book with no experience because you have to develop discipline.

You more than likely have a full-time job, as well as a family that needs to be taken care of. No one else is going to give you time to write, so you have to create your own. Block out however much time you can afford, even if it’s 10 minutes during your lunch break.

Then, during that time, don’t let anything distract you. Turn off your phone, close your office door (or put headphones in), and focus. Once that time is up, go on with your life and take care of other things.

To help you stay focused, you might consider using an app. Yes, there’s an app to help you write a book; several in fact. Some that you might consider include the following:

Freedom app

Freedom app how to write a book with no experience

This app can be added to any device, including your Mac, PC, Android phone, iPhone or Chrome to help you block websites and other apps that might be distracting you. You set the schedule for this app to keep distractions at bay, which means you can work on your book without worrying about social media sites or shopping while online.


FocusWriter how to write a book with no experience

This is word-processing software that was designed to help you stay focused on what you’re putting onto the screen. It was created to help you develop your first draft, which means that there aren’t a lot of formatting options, and it can be hard to move things around or make edits.

However, before you can move on to the next steps of the writing process, you need something to work on. FocusWriter keeps you focused long enough to get your ideas down without seeing any other notifications pop up on your computer screen.


StayFocused how to write a book with no experience

This is an extension that can be added to Chrome to limit the amount of time you spend on particular websites. After adding the specific sites you want to avoid, you’ll be allotted a specific amount of time to visit those sites, and then once that time is up, you’ll be blocked from them for the rest of the day.

When asking how to write a book with no experience, being able to work on your project without the temptation of going to other sites may be exactly what you need to get your writing done.


WriteRoom I want to write a book where do I start

The program is for Macs, and it’s a lot like FocusWriter in that it creates a large writing environment on your computer that allows you to focus on being creative. The only thing you’ll see is a blank screen and the words you type on the page. Again, this can be beneficial for a first draft, as there aren’t any formatting options, but you’ll be able to get ideas down without worrying about anything else.

Step 6: Create Deadlines

In addition to setting aside time every day to write, it’s also important to create deadlines for yourself. If you don’t, you won’t hold yourself accountable, and your book will slip through the cracks.

Depending on the length of your chapters, you may aim to write one chapter every single day. Or maybe you hope to have one done by the end of the week. You get to decide what your deadlines look like, but make sure they are realistic and keep you motivated and inspired.

The Writing Process

When asking how do you write a book, the steps listed above will help you get started. However, when it comes to the actual writing process, there are a variety of different things you need to consider, including the following:

Know Your Reader

Know Your Reader how to begin writing a book

The second step when beginning the book writing process was determining who your audience is. This is important because it will help organize your book in a way that makes sense to your reader. You may not know exactly what they want when they read your book, but if you have a pretty good idea and structure your story to meet their needs, you may find that your book becomes a success.

Find Your Voice

Find Your Voice how to write a book with no experience

One of the things a lot of new writers attempt to do is mimic their favorite author. They know that this person has found success in the way they write, and they want to capture that in their own writing.

The problem with doing this is that you aren’t letting your unique personality shine through. You’re just redoing what someone else has done.

Find your own voice and add it to your book. This is going to make your writing more enjoyable and engaging to readers than trying to copy another person. It may take some time and effort, but keep trying until you find a writing style that works for you and shows off your personality.

Entice Readers with a Good Opening

Infographic How to Write a Book with No Experience Entice Readers with a Good Opening

The opening of your work is one of the most important parts. From the get-go, you have to draw your reader in and get them interested in what you’re trying to tell them. There is no sure-fire way to create a good opening, but some of the options you might consider include the following:

  • Surprise your reader with something they don’t expect
  • Make a dramatic statement that will make your reader want to find out more about what you’re talking about
  • Be philosophical
  • Add something poetic and profound

The opening you choose should reflect the feel of the rest of the book and show off your voice. Attempting to use the equivalent of “click-bait” to get readers interested in your book will backfire on you and leave readers feeling frustrated and duped.

Don’t Forget About the Rest of the Book

Don’t Forget About the Rest of the Book

Once you’ve drawn the reader in to your book, you need to keep them interested in what you have to say. That means creating the right amount of conflict and tension. Your pacing has to be just right.

What does that mean? How do you achieve those goals?

The simplest answer: practice. And keeping your reader in mind. Think about what is going to keep them intrigued and wanting to read more.

Finish with a Resounding Ending

Finish with a Resounding Ending how to begin writing a book

The ending of your book should leave your reader with something to think about. What that is depends on your topic and who your audience is. Crafting high-quality endings, like anything else in writing, will take practice.

To make sure your reader even makes it to the end of the book, you need to first draw them in with a great beginning, then keep them reading with the right conflict and tension.

A Book for the Ages

Books are a staple of human civilization, and they share valuable information or transport us to another time and place. If you find yourself wondering how to write a book with no experience, it can be accomplished, but it will take time and patience. The steps we’ve given will get you started, but there’s a lot more to the process. But you have to begin somewhere:

  • Choose Your Topic
  • Pick an Audience
  • Create an Outline
  • Do Your Research
  • Set Aside Time Every Day to Write
  • Create Deadlines

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