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Facebook has so many amazing ways to connect with others around the world. Not only do you have your personal page, but you can also create a Business Page to promote your company. Anymore, having a Business Page on Facebook is essential. With so many people actively using this site, there’s a better chance your business will be found and you’ll be able to sell your products and/or services.

As the creator of a Facebook Page, you are automatically made an admin. However, if you find yourself saying, “I accidentally removed myself as an admin on Facebook page,” you may be wondering how to get your access back.

If you find yourself saying, “I cannot access my Facebook Page as an admin,” there are several different options you can try to get your permissions back. We’ll walk you through a few suggestions so that you can get back to showcasing your company on this social media site.

“I Accidentally Removed Myself as an Admin on Facebook Page”: Now What?

There are many different reasons why you might be saying, “I accidentally removed myself as an admin on Facebook page.” Perhaps your Page got hacked or one of your employees who no longer works for you created the page for your company. No matter the reason, if you find that you need to reclaim Facebook Page ownership and make yourself an admin, then there are certain steps you need to follow.

Step 1: Identify the Page Owner and Make Contact

When dealing with the issue of “I accidentally removed myself as an admin on Facebook page,” the first thing you’ll need to do to get your permissions back is to identify the page owner and make contact.

To accomplish this, you’ll need to log in to your Facebook account and access the Business Page.

Go to Settings, which can be found on the left-hand side of the screen near the bottom, and then click on “Page Roles.”

When the information pops up, look for “Page Owner.”

Should you find that a business manages your page, ask yourself if you recognize it. If you do, try to contact them so that you can reclaim Facebook Page ownership.

If you find that the name is your own business, then talk to your employees to find out who may have created the page and/or who has admin access to the Business Page.

After discovering who the Page owner is, send them a message and ask them to add you as an admin.

Step 2: Get Added Through the Business Manager Account

When you find yourself with the problem, “I cannot access my Facebook Page as an admin,” and you’ve contacted the owner or another admin, they’ll be able to quickly and easily add you as an admin through the Business Manager Account.

All it takes is changing page roles and confirming that you want to be an admin. Then, you’ll be able to regain access to Facebook Business Page.

Recovering Facebook Business Page by Giving Feedback

Another option you can consider when it comes to trying to regain access to Facebook Business Page is to give feedback. Here are the steps for this “I cannot access my Facebook Page as admin” process:

Step 1: Identify the Page Owner

Just like the process above, the first thing you’ll need to do is log in to Facebook and go to the Business Page. You’ll then need to attempt to identify the owner from the Settings menu by looking at the “Page Roles.”

In some cases, if you don’t recognize the owner or the page isn’t being actively managed, there will be a button that says, “Give Feedback on This Business.”

Click on that.

Step 2: Give Feedback

Clicking the feedback button will open a new menu, and there are several options to choose from.

When saying, “I accidentally removed myself as an admin on Facebook page,” to get your permissions back, you’ll want to click on the “Unauthorized access” option, then click the Next button at the bottom of the page.

Step 3: Wait for Contact

After clicking Next, you’ll receive a confirmation message, but nothing else will happen until you are contacted by Facebook for further details.

The amount of time it takes will vary, but you could receive a message in as little as a few hours. By letting them know what has happened, they’ll be able to help you reclaim Facebook Page ownership.

“I Lost Access to My Facebook Page”: Get Professional Help

Another option you have if you find yourself saying, “I lost access to my Facebook Page” is to get professional help.

There are companies online that can help you regain control over your Facebook Page. Of course, before contacting any of them, it’s in your best interest to do some research. You want to make sure that they are legitimate and aren’t going to steal your information (or your money) and use your Business Page for their own nefarious plans.

After doing your initial search to find a professional agency when you find yourself saying, “I accidentally removed myself as an admin on Facebook page,” you’ll then want to do another search and include the terms below:

  • Agency name + scams
  • Agency name + reviews
  • Agency name + complaints

These will help you determine if the agency you want to use is trustworthy and reputable, as well as able to help you regain access to your Business Page.

“I Lost Access to Facebook Business Page Due to a Hack”

In addition to saying, “I accidentally removed myself as an admin on Facebook page,” you may also find that you no longer have access because your account was hacked.

Sadly, having your Facebook Page hacked happens far too often. Since this is a viable business tool that could help you earn money, a lot of hackers view it as an easy way for them to get those funds instead of you. You have some options when it comes to regaining access to your account after a hack, including the following:

Step 1: Contact Facebook Directly

If you do find yourself saying, “I lost access to my Facebook Page due to a hack,” you’ll need to contact Facebook directly. After filling out some information, hopefully they’ll be able to help you regain access to your account.

Step 2: Submit an Admin Dispute Request

If you go through the process of sending a Business Page some Feedback (which we’ve talked about above), you may receive a message that talks about “Pending partner requests.”

Within that message is a link to submit an admin dispute. Clicking on that will allow you to provide information that may allow you access to your Page.

Step 3: Contact Facebook Support

Your last option when attempting to recover a Facebook Business Page that has been hacked is to contact Facebook Support.

Chatting online with a representative could potentially yield faster results, as well as allow you to plead your case to a live person.

Should they find that you are the rightful owner of the Page and need admin access, you’ll need to provide an ID to prove you are who you say you are, as well as other documents.

“I am Locked Out of Facebook Business Page”: What to Do

There are many different reasons why you may have lost access to your Facebook account, including:

  • Another Page admin changed your role
  • There’s an issue with your Page name
  • You are not an authorized representative of the content on the Page
  • Someone reported your page for infringing on their intellectual property rights
  • A person who helps manage your Page was hacked

If you find yourself lamenting, “I cannot access my Facebook Page as admin” because you got locked out due to any of the reasons listed above, there are some ways you can attempt to get access back, including the following:

Step 1: Contact Other Admins

If you happen to have other admins on your Facebook Business Page, then you can contact them and let them know you’ve been removed.

Using their permissions and going to the “Page Roles” in the Settings menu, they’ll be able to add you back in.

Something to Keep In Mind

If you find yourself locked out of your account, and it was done intentionally by your other admins, then you may find yourself out of luck when it comes to reclaiming your Business Page.

Per its policy, Facebook will not get involved with this type of dispute. You can contact them if you want, but it probably won’t be resolved the way you hope. In fact, they may just tell you to create a new Business Page.

It may be in your best interest to find out why you have been locked out of the Business Page and resolve the issue internally. If you can’t get an explanation of why you no longer have access to the Page, then moving on and creating a new one might be all you can do.

Step 2: Change Your Password

If you’re locked out of your account due to password problems, and you don’t have any other admins, then you’ll need to change your password.

To do this, you’ll need to click on “Forgot Account.”

When prompted, enter or full name or your email and phone number, then click search.

A list of accounts will appear, and you’ll need to click on the one you want access to.

Choose the option to have a code sent to you, then input it in the appropriate place after you’ve received it.

Click Continue.

When prompted, change your password. You should now have access to your account.

Regaining Control of Your Facebook Business Page

Being an admin of a Business Page is beneficial for your business. The social media site is incredibly popular, with billions of users, which means you have a great chance of getting noticed and making sales.

However, if you find yourself saying, “I accidentally removed myself as an admin on Facebook page,” here are some things to try to regain access:

  1. Identify the Page Owner and Make Contact so that You Can Get Added Through the Business Manager Account
  2. Recover Your Facebook Business Page by Giving Feedback
  3. Get Professional Help
  4. Contact Facebook Directly

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