The Importance of Keeping Your Website up to Date

One thing most people overlook is how to maintain their website after the design is complete. A successful website strategy must include ongoing maintenance. This is the number one way that you can maximize the return on your investment.

Here are a few things to think about:

Is the website copy date from 3 years ago? Was your last blog published in the stone age? Does the overall design feel clunky and blah? If you answered yes, then you are leaving your prospective customers with a terrible first impression.

Your visitor's first impression

Do you think they will come back? The more up to date you keep your website the more often you will show up in search engines, because search engines love new content! Providing up to date content for your customer is a great way to gain their trust, which keeps them wanting more. Remember – trust is hard to gain and easy to lose.

Security and Bugs

I think this is pretty self-explanatory and it’s what most of us think about when we think of website maintenance (at least I do). Let’s shine a little light on the subject for those of you who don’t know: Hackers break into websites with outdated software. If they get in they can gain access to all kinds of information and potentially cripple your website. Also, if Google detects any malware on your website they will automatically put your site in a cold dark corner.

Stay on the evolving technology train

Is your website keeping up with the ever-growing world of technology? The best way to keep up with all of the changes is to approach it in small increments. Even the smallest change can make the biggest difference.

Keep your website in good working order. It will pay for itself, and then some.

Tell your clients and colleagues to read this. Remember to always share knowledge


Kalie Michelle

Designer | Web Developer
Kalie is the owner and founder of Kalie Michelle Creative. Specializing in working one-on-one with business owners, to help create beautifully crafted, strategic websites. Her love for helping others stems from her years of working in the medical industry. This is where she ultimately discovered her creative talents, excitement for technology, and aspirations for helping others level up their businesses. Get in touch with Kalie to talk about your next project.

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