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When you think of looking for a job, you probably go to a job board and send your resume to employers. A forgotten factor is to network with employers on social media.

You can learn how to make a social media portfolio that will attract the perfect employers. You have to think about the details you want to include and the graphics that attract others.

Write Down Your Descriptions how to make a social media portfolio

Choose the Social Media Platform You Want to Use

Consider the target audience you want to work with when you learn how to make a social media portfolio. Each platform has its benefits, including the types of people who use them.

You can use several platforms for your portfolio, as seen below. Do your research on each to ensure you get the results you want.

Available Platforms

Available Platforms how to make a social media portfolio

There are several social media platforms to choose from, including those below.


Facebook is the most well-known social media platform of all. There are individuals of all ages and backgrounds with a profile.

Facebook lets you target your audience by age, geolocation, or employment status. You can monitor the data surrounding your posts. Pay attention to how many interactions your portfolio gets among members of your target audience.


Twitter is a more informal option. It is best to consider social media portfolio examples when using this platform, especially since it has character limits.

You can create lists on Twitter to help you network with others in your profession. Provide real-time updates about your career experiences on your profile.


Instagram is technically under the Facebook company. You can tell a story about your career experiences through your stories and visual posts.

Instagram is one of the best social media platforms for growing your following. You can use images and hashtags to find like-minded people.


The primary use of LinkedIn is to network with your colleagues and show off your experiences. You can upload your resume directly to your profile.

Once you fill in your LinkedIn profile, you need to start networking. The individuals you meet on the platform can look over your credentials to determine if you are a good fit for a company or project.


Dribble is a popular networking platform for individuals who work in the creative industry. You can find a gig as a freelancer by networking here.

Dribble lets you show off your previous projects. You can share up to seven items in the rankings of your best work.


Behance is another platform that is best for individuals in the creative industry. You can show your photography, fashion designs, graphics, or websites.

You can easily set up a profile on Behance. After, follow other people, paying attention to what they post on the bulletin board.

Spend Time Doing Research on the Platforms

You need to choose the platform that best fits your needs. As seen above, each comes with its own benefits.

Part of your research can involve looking at social media portfolio samples. Review these templates to determine the platform that can best offer the look you want.

Organize Your Materials

Organize Your Materials how to make a social media portfolio

After you find the platform you want to use, you must organize your materials. The next step in learning how to make a social media portfolio is getting the below information together.

Past Work Experiences

First, and most obviously, you need to include information on your past work experiences. Provide details on the companies you worked for and the roles you held.

Take note of the dates you worked at specific companies. Most businesses want to ensure you are loyal.

Field-Related Projects

Next, you need to provide proof of any projects you helped complete in your previous jobs. Always ask permission if others’ names are on the work.

If you are a freelancer, you can submit examples of your previous work. If you use Behance, upload your photographs, blog posts, graphic designs, or other visual projects.

Other Experiences

You need to make sure the information you upload is as organized as possible. Think about any prior experiences you had in your industry. Include descriptions of any educational opportunities or internships.

Certifications and Awards

Finally, you should include evidence of any certifications or awards you have. These documents will prove that you are an expert in your industry. Specific job positions will require you to have certifications you may already have.

Categorize Your Materials

Categorize Your Materials how to make a social media portfolio

After you gather your materials, you will need to categorize them. Separate the information you want to include, as it will all go in different sections.

Try to keep all of the information concerning your job experiences together. Place your certifications and awards directly under it. Finally, you can include other experiences, project details, and education opportunities last as they get more specific.

Create Detailed Descriptions of Your Projects and Experiences

Create Detailed Descriptions of Your Projects and Experiences

When writing out the information on your previous experiences, provide details. Prove that you have expertise in your industry.

Include information about the topics of the projects you completed. Again, write out the responsibilities you held in your previous jobs.

Consider Legality Aspects

Consider Legality Aspects social media portfolio examples

Think about legal matters when learning how to make a social media portfolio.

You have to ask permission from your co-workers if you want to submit a team project. Stay aware of copyright infringement.

Get Permission to Use the Project Information in Your Portfolio

You have to ask your co-workers for permission if you submit an entire project you worked on with your team.

You also have to ask permission from your previous or current company. This factor does not matter if you own the copyright.

Be Wary of Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement is the reason you cannot always share projects you completed. If you completed work for a previous company, that information technically belongs to the business.

The business will determine if you own the copyright to your work or if it solely belongs to them. You have to ask permission if you do not have ownership of the project.

Develop the Presentation for Your Social Media Portfolio

Develop the Presentation for Your Social Media Portfolio

After you get your information organized, you will need to think about the look you want for your social media portfolio.

You can start from a social media marketing portfolio template or from scratch. Consider the theme you want to portray, the organizational process you want to use, and if you want to include a website link.

Think About Your Theme

The first step in the design process of learning how to make a social media platform is to think about the theme. Many templates come with pre-designed color schemes and patterns, but you can change them to your needs.


You can start with a bold theme if you want to capture the attention of your audience members. This option is fun-spirited and uses bright colors, bold fonts, and some patterns. It lets your personality shine.


A professional theme is best if you work in some white-collar industries. You may consider this option if you want a job in law, healthcare, or education. Professional themes focus on neutral color schemes, simple shapes, and well-known fonts.


Consider an aesthetically-pleasing theme if you work in the creative industry. These options follow a color palette, focus on unique text types, and lean heavily on symmetry. They allow you to showcase your artistic skills.

Organize Your Materials on the Platform

Organize Your Materials on the Platform

After you figure out your theme, you can start organizing your materials. Include your job and educational experiences, previous projects, and certifications. Your information should immediately capture the audience’s attention.

Consider a Timeline

When thinking about organizing your materials, try to focus on a timeline. Remember, you do not have to include all of your previous experiences. Focus only on those that highlight your skills.

When posting the information you want to include, start with the most recent. At the bottom, share the oldest job role you held. This timeline perspective will show audience members the growth you achieved.

Tell a Story

When learning how to make a social media portfolio, you should focus on a story. Show the challenges you overcame and the goals you still have in front of you. Let the audience emphasize the information you present.

Provide Information on Problem Solutions

Part of telling a story involves focusing on the problems you overcame. You should prove to your audience members that you reached success in the most stressful situations. Employers want to work with someone who can help them meet their goals.

Choose a Website Template

Choose a Website Template social media portfolio examples

Some individuals use a social media manager portfolio website. These tools help you update your profiles and network with audience members.

These websites also provide you with data analytical tools. You can keep track of how much of a response your portfolio generates. Pay attention to how many new followers you get and the reactions your posts receive.

Write Down Your Descriptions

Write Down Your Descriptions how to make a social media portfolio

Write out the descriptions of your experiences before posting them on your social media portfolio. This step will help you stay organized when providing updates and editing.

Include an Overview of Your Experiences

First, you need to write down the overview you want to include in your portfolio. This section should have a career summary that shows the jobs you held and the education you received.

You can also include a short biography in the overview section. Finally, provide details about the skills you can offer.

Be Brief and Precise

Any of the further descriptions you provide should be brief and on topic. You do not want to bore your audience members. Keep them focused, allowing them to take the opportunity to network with you.

Use Adjectives and Keywords

Use descriptive language in any of the information you write for your portfolio. Adjectives and keywords can help your audience focus on the positive aspects of your experiences.

Provide the Results of Projects

When coming up with descriptions for your previous projects, you need to provide details about the results. Again, this information will prove that you can overcome challenges and reach your goals.

You should provide only the best projects in your portfolio. It is okay to show project examples that helped you grow, even if you did not receive an expected outcome.

Provide Detailed Information on Your Responsibilities

When writing about your job experiences, you must provide details about your responsibilities. Potential employers will see if you have skills in the tasks they want you to perform.

When you write detailed descriptions of your responsibilities, you can prove that you meet the requirements for a potential job. Only include the positive aspects of the job.

Include the Objectives You Want to Work Towards

Finally, you need to include the objectives you want to work towards in your future career. List out the goals you want to achieve.

You should include both short-term and long-term goals. Provide information about the steps you will take to achieve your dream job.

Finishing Touches

Finishing Touches how to make a social media portfolio

Finally, make the final touches when you learn how to make a social media portfolio. This step is the editing process that makes your profile look more professional.

Remember to Proofread

First, you need to proofread your social media portfolio. Review the descriptions you provided, your goals, and your overview section.

Fix any grammatical errors you find. Rewrite any sentences that seem awkward. You can also review any dates you provided to ensure they are accurate.

Check All of Your Links

You need to check all of your links when including them in your social media portfolio. Click on them to ensure they go to a working website.

When finding sources for your portfolio, you need to ensure the information is up-to-date. You have to prove that you pay attention to details to find the perfect employer.

Look Over the Graphics

Next, you should review the graphics you used on your social media portfolio. The visual aids should make sense for your theme. They should not distract your audience members.

Keep Your Social Media Portfolios Eye-Catching

Keep Your Social Media Portfolios Updated social media manager portfolio website

Finally, keep your social media portfolio eye-catching. Capture a potential employer’s attention without distracting them from your message.

Focus on a theme, and use approachable colors. Remember the industry you work for to determine the level of professionalism you need to use.

Keep Your Social Media Portfolios Updated

You have to keep your social media portfolio updated to avoid confusing potential employers. Include information about any new experiences you gain.

Write about any new job you obtained that is appropriate to your industry. Upload any certifications you received or educational opportunities you held.

Make the Perfect Social Media Platform

You likely feel comfortable knowing how to make a social media portfolio. Find the best platform for the industry you work in to attract the right audience members.

After finding the appropriate social media platform, you can focus on developing the portfolio. Include information about your previous experiences, educational history, and certifications. Focus on the graphics and a theme.

After your social media portfolio is perfect, you can publish it. Wait for the connections to start building and continue working towards your dream job.

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